Modifying an Application Servers SMTP Settings
  • 22 Jul 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Modifying an Application Servers SMTP Settings

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Article summary


After the Decisions platform has been installed, server settings can be changed. Click the Edit Settings button on the installer's Installation Type step to update server settings. Once the updates are saved, restart services for the changes to take effect by clicking the Restart Service button on the Installation Type step. The email steps within Decisions use these server settings to send and receive emails.


In the example, SMTP settings will be changed for an email server, and the email server's IP Address will be updated along with the username and password to access the email server.

Run the installation application, and select the Edit Settings button from the Installation Type step.


In the Settings pop-up, expand the Mail setting, then expand the SmtpServer setting.

Sent mail will disregard the SmtpServer settings if the value of the ByPassSmtpServer setting is set to True

In order to use the SmtpServer settings, ensure the ByPassSmtpServer value is set to False

Note on Bypassing SMTP Settings 
If ByPassSMTP Server is Enabled (set to true), a validation error will display in Decisions Studio advising against bypassing SMTP Settings in a production environment.

Update the settings for Password, ServerAddress, and Username, then select Save.

SMTP Setting Configurations 
For Office365 SMTP settings navigate here.
For Gmail SMTP settings navigate here.
For Outlook SMTP settings navigate here.
For information on SSL configuration, navigate here.

This can also be changed in Settings.xml, located in This PC\Local Disk\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Services Manager


Now restart services for the changes to take effect.
Back in the installer's Installation Type step, select the Restart Service button.


Confirm the action in the pop-up that displays.


While the services restart, the options on the Installation Type step are temporarily disabled.


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