Google Cloud Identity Steps
  • 21 Nov 2024
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Google Cloud Identity Steps

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Article summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version9.5.0
Last Modified in Version9.5.0
LocationIntegrations > Google Cloud > Identity

Decisions has nine Steps to help users manage accounts through Google Cloud. The complete list of Steps is below.


These steps require that the Google Cloud module be installed. Additionally a Project dependency must be created before the Steps will appear in the Flow Designer toolbox.


Step NameDescription
Add User To GroupAllows users to be added to a specified group.
Create GroupAllows for Google Cloud groups to be created.
Get Group User DetailsReturns information about each user within a specified group.
Group Has MemberChecks if a specific group has a particular member based on the user key.
List Group MembersProvides a list of all members within a specified group.
List GroupsReturns a list of all the groups for a specific domain.
Remove User From GroupRemoves a particular member from a group.
Update GroupUses a group key to update a group.
Update Group MembershipAllows a user in a group to be assigned a new role.

Add User To Group


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Group KeyThe key for the group the user will be added to.String
Impersonate UserThe user, or users, to be impersonated.String
Override Scopes
RoleRole the new user will have upon being added to the group.String
User KeyThe key for the specific user that will be added to the group.String

Create Group


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Impersonate UserThe user, or users, to be impersonated.String
New GroupThe name of the group that will be created.GoogleCloudGroup
Override Scopes

Get Group User Details


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Group KeyThe key of the group that has the user information that is requested.String
Impersonate UserThe user, or users, to be impersonated.String
Override Scopes


PropertyDescriptionData Type

Group Has Member


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Group KeyThe key of the group to check the membership for.String
Impersonate UserThe user, or users, to be impersonated.String
Override Scopes
User KeyThe key of the user that is being checked to see if they are in the group.String

List Group Members


PropertyDescriptionData Type
DomainThe domain with the group to display the members of.String
Group KeyKey of the specific group with the members to be listed.String
Max ResultsTotal number of group members to be returned.Int32


PropertyDescriptionData Type
MembersThe list of all the members requested.List of GoogleCloudMembership

List Groups


PropertyDescriptionData Type
DomainThe domain with the groups to be listed.


PropertyDescriptionData Type
GroupsThe returned list of groups within the specified domain.List of GoogleCloudAdminGroup

Remove User From Group


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Group KeyKey of the specific group to be used by the step.String

Impersonate UserThe user, or users, to be impersonated.String
Override Scopes
User KeyKey of the user to remove from the group.String

Update Group


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Group KeyKey of the specific group to be used by the step.
Impersonate UserThe user, or users, to be impersonated.String
Override Scopes
Updated Group

Update Group Membership


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Group KeyKey of the specific group to be used by the step.
Impersonate UserThe user, or users, to be impersonated.String
New RoleThe role a member will be changed to.String
Override Scopes
User KeyKey of the member to be updated.String

Step Changes

DescriptionVersionDateDeveloper Task
The Identity steps were added to the platform.9.5November 2024[DT-042773]

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