Chat Completion
  • 13 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Chat Completion

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Article summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version9.3
Last Modified in Version9.3
LocationAI > Anthropic

This step enables prompts to be submitted to Anthropic's large language model (LLM), which will return the response that the model provides. Users can either add prompts directly or pull them from the Flow. Additionally, users can select the specific model to review the prompt. This is crucial for automating processes that require language generation, such as creating chat responses, content generation, and other natural language processing tasks within the Flow.


This step requires installing the AI Common and AI Anthropic modules and adding their dependencies to the Project before they are available in the toolbox. The Anthropic account should also be available, and the API key must be added in System > Settings> Anthropic AI Settings.

We have claude-2.0, claude-2.1, and claude-instant-1.2 made available in Decisions. However, the claude-instant-1.2 model is retired, and claude-2.0 and claude-2.1 are deprecated.
For more information on model status, please visit:



PropertyDescriptionData Type
Select ModelCheckbox to enable the Model selection in settings. Boolean
ModelList of Anthropic models available for use in the Flow.---
Get Model from FlowCheckbox to enable the Model Name input property. Disables Select Model and Model settings when checked.Boolean
PromptInput prompt for the LLM.String
Select PromptEnables access to prompts stored in the AI Prompt Manager through the "Select Prompt" property. When checked, this disables the direct Prompt input option.Boolean
Get Prompt from Flow
Checkbox to enable the Prompt input property. Disables Select Prompt when checked.


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Max TokensMaximum number of tokens allowed in the input stringInt32
Model NameName of the desired Anthropic model for the given use case in the FlowString
PromptInput prompt for the LLM


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Chat ResponseResponse from Anthropic's LLM based on the input prompt.String

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