CSV Row Iterator
  • 30 Dec 2024
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CSV Row Iterator

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Article summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version9.5.0
Last Modified in Version9.6.0
LocationData > Excel & CSV

The CSV Row Iterator step allows for batch processing on CSV files. Like a Subflow, it requires another Flow that will perform the desired actions. This Step is similar to the Run Flow for List Step.

Note that this Step will only work for CSV files, not for XLSX or XLS files.



Edit Iterator FlowThis is the Flow that will perform whatever action is required to the CSV file.
Ignore First RowEnable or disable to ignore the first row. Useful if there is a header row.
CSV DelimiterDropdown list of which character is the delimiter for the CSV file.
Batch Row SizeThe number of rows in the CSV file.


PropertyDescriptionData Type
File InputThe CSV file to be used by the Step during whatever action is required.FileReference

Step Changes

DescriptionVersionReleaseDeveloper Task
Introduced the CSV Row Iterator step.9.5
November 2024[DT-042594]
Removed Outputs from CSV Row Iterator.9.6January 2025[DT-043122]

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