- 06 Nov 2024
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Flow Audit History
- Updated on 06 Nov 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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The Flow Audit History Accelerator acts as a Subflow that creates Flow Audit Records with built-in Flow Parameters. The purpose of this process is to track statistical information, such as execution time, for later reference. Users can update existing Flow Records and access the Flow Audit History from a Dashboard with detailed information for each record.
This Accelerator comes pre-installed with features that facilitate and update Flow Parameters. The Create New Audit Record Flow creates a new Flow Audit Record with Start Flow parameters, takes in details about the Flow, and provides user information such as an Email, as well as a place to add notes. The Flow Audit History Dashboard displays a list of Flow Audit Records, and as Users select each record, the Form reflects associated information.
The Flow Audit History Accelerator seamlessly displays essential information for Flow Audit Records and provides a user-friendly interface for configuration, with user actions available to update records as needed.
Key Features:
- New Flow Audit History Record Creation
- Updating Existing Flow Audit Records
- Record Check-in and Check-out details
Main Flows
Create New Audit Record
This Flow is designed to create a new Flow Audit Record with Start Flow parameters and takes in the following inputs: RecordName, Notes, TopLevelFlowID, TopLevelFlowName, FlowID, FlowName, and UserEmail.
Close Audit Record
This Flow is designed to update an existing Flow Audit Record with End Flow parameters and takes in the following inputs: RecordName, Notes, TopLevelFlowID, TopLevelFlowName, FlowID, FlowName, and UserEmail.
View Audit History Form Flow
This Flow triggers a Flow Run Part that fetches the current FolderID, filters out associated data, and displays the information on the Review Audit History Form.
Flow Audit History Dashboard
The Flow Audit Dashboard displays a Report with a list of Flow Audit Records and describes whether Parent Child Reporting exists between the Report Record and Form Data. The Dashboard also includes a page with information from the Flow Audit History Form that is displayed as each record is selected.
Review Flow Audit History Form
This Form displays detailed information about Flow Audit Records and can be accessed from the Flow Audit History Dashboard.
Using the Flow Audit History Accelerator in Decisions
The below example demonstrates how Users can use the Flow Audit History Accelerator to track information about a Flow.
- Users can start by creating or choosing an existing Flow they need to obtain specific information about. Once a Flow is identified, Users can search for the Flow name in the Report Viewer of the Flow Audit History Views Dashboard.
- From this Dashboard, Users can see when the Flow was run, the name of the Flow Record and Associated Project as well as email information.
- Users can also select a Record to view additional information from the Review Flow Audit History Form.
Sample Flow