Using the End Form Session Step to Navigate
  • 23 Dec 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Using the End Form Session Step to Navigate

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Article summary


By utilizing a variety of steps in their design, Designers are provided the ability to navigate to various points in Decisions through the use of a Flow.
Though oftentimes these steps are used to navigate within the Flow, some are utilized to control Portal navigation. One such step is the End Form Session step. The End Form Sessions step offers the ability to use a variety of Behavior options to determine where a Flow navigates when the step is reached at runtime.

The following document demonstrates show how to use an End Form Session's Navigate Behavior to redirect a specific Folder via Flow.

Glossary Entry 

Note on End Form Session Inputs 
Note that the INPUTS of the End Form Session step depend upon which item is selected from the Options dropdown. The following example utilizes the Navigate option. 
Step NameDescriptionLocationInputs/Outputs 
End Form SessionActs as an End Form that provides an additional action depending on the selected BEHAVIOR Option.
DESIGNER ENTITIES > FORMS [END] Inputs (for this example): Folder Id [String], Page Name [String]

Outputs: None 

Use Case (This example): Utilized in conjunction with a user designed Form to navigate to a specified Page within the Decisions Studio

Additional Resources 
For an alternate use case, see Login User UI Flow Behavior. 

End Form Session Behavior Settings 

The following table discusses Behavior Options provided by the End Form Session step.

Behavior Options
Display a MessageDisplays the message presented within the Form.
Close Dialog/WindowCloses the window when the step is reached.
Display a Message and NavigateShows a message prompt alerting the user or asking for confirmation before navigating to a designated page within Decisions.
NavigateNavigates to a designated page within Decisions.
Open UrlDirectly links and opens the provided URL hyperlink.
Display a ReportThis will result in an assigned report to display data.
Open Portal in New WindowA separate window will display the Portal.


  1. Right-click either a Designer Project from the Folder Tree in the Designer Studio, then select Manage > Get Designer Folder ID.
  2. In the resulting ID panel, click Copy Text, then click DONE. 
  3. From a Designer Project, click the CREATE FLOW button from the Top Action Bar, then CREATE a new Flow.
  4. From the Flow Designer, add a Show Form step from the FAVORITES category of the Toolbox tab. 
  5. Navigate to the Form step's Properties and click the PICK OR CREATE FORM button. 
    The Show Form step is used in this example for creating a Form. For additional aid in designing Forms, see Creating Your First Form. 

  6. Select CREATE and then CREATE a new Form

  7. Add a single Button component from Toolbox > FAVORITES Labeled "Go to Home Page". 
  8. Save then close with to return to the Flow Designer.
  9. From the Flow Designer, attach an End Form Session step from Toolbox > FORMS [END] to the Go To Home Page path. 
  10. Select the End Form Session step and from BEHAVIOR > Options dropdown, select Navigate
  11. Constant map the copied Folder Id into INPUTS > Folder Id.
  12. Provide the Constant value "Example" for Page Name
  13. Connect the End Form Session step to the End step.
  14. Save and close the Flow.


  1. Navigate to Flow in the Designer Project.
  2. Right-click the Flow and select Run Flow.
  3. Select the Go to Home Page Button.
    Selecting the button closes the Form and navigates to Folder that corresponds with the input Folder id.


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