- 09 Dec 2021
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Forms [Interaction] Step Glossary
- Updated on 09 Dec 2021
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The following article details all steps found in the Forms [Interaction] category in the Step Toolbox.
Step Name | Description | Location | Inputs/Outputs |
External Form | The External Form step was designed in Decisions to interact with forms using HTML methods or service calls. This method can also pass data into the external form and retrieve data from the external form. | Designer Entities > Forms [Interaction] | Inputs: URL (String) Outputs: None |
Approve Item Form | Requires a title, description, user's name, requested on date, and needed by date as inputs. This information is compiled into a single Form that allows a user to approve or reject the proposal. | Designer Entities > Forms [Interaction] | Inputs: Approval Form Title (String), Approval Item Description (String), Created By User (String), Needed By Date (String), Requested On (String) Outputs:None |
Add Task | This step allows you to get user involvement in the process by assigning and displaying a form to a user. This will halt the workflow until a user completes the task. You can configure deadlines and email responses on this step. | Designer Entities > Forms [Interaction] > Default | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Show Form | Used to display a Form in Decisions. Users may either create a new Form or select a pre-existing one, via the Properties panel. | Designer Entities > Forms [Interaction] > Default | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Export Form | Simple Form that allows a user to input a file for export. | Designer Entities > Forms [Interaction] | Inputs: Sample File (FileReference) Outputs: None |
Account Properties | Compile's a users data (first and last name, employee id, email, etc.) to create an account. Can be used in a Flow where account generation is the goal. | Forms[Interaction] > Wizards > Create User | Inputs: Can Use Portal (Boolean), Email (String), Employee Id (String), First Name (String), Is Active (Boolean), Is Confirmed (Boolean), Job Title (String), Languages (List of String), Last Name (String), Location Name (List of String), Middle Name (String), Selected Language (String), Selected Step (String), Selected Timezone (String), Steps (List of String), Timezones (List of String). Outputs:Can Use Portal (Boolean), Email (String), Employee Id (String), First Name (String), Is Active (Boolean), Is Confirmed (Boolean), Job Title (String), Languages (List of String), Last Name (String), Location Name (List of String), Middle Name (String), Selected Language (String), Selected Step (String), Selected Timezone (String), Steps (List of String), Timezones (List of String). |
Password Info | A Form that handles password creation. By setting "Is Require Numbers" and "Min Chars" values, a user can define what qualifies as a password that may be confirmed. Other values, such as "Is Require Symbols" can also be set on a true/false basis. | Forms[Interaction] > Wizards > Create User | Inputs: Is Password Generated (Boolean), Is Require Numbers (Boolean), Is Require Symbols (Boolean), Is Require Upper Lower Case (Boolean), Min Chars (Int64), Selected Steps (String), Steps (List of String). Outputs:Is Password Generated (Boolean), Is Require Numbers (Boolean), Is Require Symbols (Boolean), Is Require Upper Lower Case (Boolean), Min Chars (Int64), Selected Steps (String), Steps (List of String). |
User Contact Info | A Form that compiles user contact info (Address, preferred method of contact, etc). | Forms[Interaction] > Wizards > Create User | Inputs: Account Id (String), Selected Step (String), Steps (List of String) Outputs: None |