Using Split Excel Column Step
  • 26 Apr 2021
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Using Split Excel Column Step

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Article summary


By using the Split Excel Column component in a Flow, the data in an Excel spreadsheet’s column that is separated by a delimiter may be split into several Columns and then displayed in a Data Grid or converted into a CSV file.

This step may also split the original Columns into more columns, or combine them into fewer Columns.


The following tutorial shows how to create a Flow that uses the Split Excel Column step with an Update File With Data step, and a Form to alter an Excel spreadsheet, and then download it.  
  1. To begin, navigate to a Designer Folder and click the CREATE FLOW button.
  2. Select and name the default Flow and select CREATE to open the Flow Designer.
  3. In the Flow Designer, select the Start step, in the Properties panel under Flow Data > Flow Input Data select Show Editor.
  4. In the Data Definitions dialog, define a Name for the input variable.
  5. Next, define its Type as FileData using the search in the Type Picker. 
  6. Select CLOSE to navigate back to the Flow Designer.
  7. In the Steps panel, expand the category All Steps [Catalog] > Integration> Excel and CSV, then drag and drop a Split Excel Column step to the workspace. 
  8. In the Steps panel, add the Update File With Data step found in the category All Steps [Catalog] > Integration > Excel and CSV.
  9. Next, locate the Show Form step in the Favorite Steps category in the Steps panel, add this step next to the Update File With Data step in the Flow. 
  10. Select Pick or Create Form from the Properties panel.
  11. In the Create or Pick window, select and name the default Form [ExampleForm] and select CREATE to proceed to the Form Designer.
  12. In the Form Designer, add a Button from the Actions category in the Form Controls panel, name this Button "Done".
  13. Next, add a File Download component from the Favorite Components or Data > File category.
  14. Configure the File Download component; provide its Select Button Type as Button, define a Text that will be shown on the Button, and define a Name for the Variable that will hold the Updated Excel File.
  15. Save the Form and Close the Form Designer.
  16. Back in the Flow Designer, connect the steps in the Flow.
  17. With the Split Excel Column step selected, in the Properties panel choose the Edit Input Mappings button.
  18. In the Mapping Editor configure the data as follows:
    1. For the File, use the Select Value Mapping Type and connect it to the Flow Input Data file from the Start step.
    2. For the File Type object, from the Value drop-down list, select Excel_xlsx.
    3. For the column object, specify the number of columns in the file in the Value
    4. Enter the delimiter in the value field under the delimiter object (in this case it is a spacebar character).
    5. Specify the number of columns that should result after the columns have been split or merged.
    6. Finally, specify the Worksheet Number if there are multiple worksheets present in the Excel document.
  19. Select OK to save the mapping and close the Mapping Editor.
  20. Next, use the Edit Input Mappings option to configure mapping for Update File With Data step in the Flow.
  21. In the Mapping Editor, connect the Input field to the File, and define its fileType as Excel_xlsx
  22. Select OK to save and close Mapping Editor.
  23. Then, use the Edit Input Mappings option for the Show Form step.
  24. In the Mapping Editor for the Show Form step, connect the File to the File Download control Variable on the Form.
  25. Save and close the Mapping Editor.
  26. This completes the Flow. Select Debug on the Top Panel of the Flow Designer to test the Flow.


  1. Provide the Flow with an Excel File. Then select Run Capturing All to proceed.
  2. The Excel file looks like the following. It has a First Name, Last Name, and Email Address in one column delimited with a space character. The Flow will divide this data into three separate columns.
  3. The Form opens in the Debugger. Select the Download File button to download the updated Excel file.

  4. This initiates the browser's File Download Process and the file is downloaded. Locate the updated file and open it to confirm that the Data is now divided into 3 columns as expected.
  5. In the Debugger, select the Done button on the Form to close the Form. The Flow runs to the End step with no errors.

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