Using Simple Workflows
  • 21 Dec 2021
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Using Simple Workflows

Article summary


Simple Workflows are tools that allow users access to specific functions and tools within the Flow Designer, without having to allow access to the whole thing. Simple Flows may be applied in many settings where a Group of users is designated a specific task, such as an instance wherein a marketing team is assigned by a manager to send a sales Email to customers. 

The following document discusses how to create a Simple Flow that is built with an End User in mind. This specific Flow has been designed to Send an Email, Wait for a defined period of Time, Send a Reminder, then Send one final Email. The Time and Email content can be easily adjusted by the End User allowing the ability to edit the task as needed.

Simple Workflow Example

  1. From the Decisions Studio, Add a Designer Folder called "Marketing Email Campaign" that contains two additional ones; one called "Simple Flow Steps", and one with the "NameSimple Flows".
  2. From the "Simple Flows" Designer Folder, select CREATE FLOW from the Global Action Bar. Then CREATE a new Simple Flow, from under the Flow [Simple] category; Name the Simple Flow "30% Campaign". 
  3. Select the Start Step to navigate to its Properties tab; under Flow Data > Flow Input Data, click Show Editor
  4. From the Data Definitions window, provide a Name, then select Account from the Type dropdown. Then. CLOSE the window. 
  5. Save then Close the Flow. 

Create Simple Flow Step: Send Email

The following tutorial demonstrates how to Create a Simple Flow Step. Simple Flow Steps are Flows that act as individual steps within a Simple Flow.
To create one: 

  1. From the "Simple Flow Steps" Designer Folder, select CREATE FLOW. From the resulting Create Flow window, select Flow [Simple] > Simple Flow Step. Name the Flow Step "Send Email". 
  2. From the Properties tab in the Flow Designer, define the Setup values; check the Edit Flow box, define the Category as "Campagin", PICK a Step Image via the Edit (ellipsis) icon, then PICK a Background Color
  3. Under Properties > Flow Configuration Values select Show Editor, define two String Types (Named "EmailSubject" and "EmailBody" respectively), then CLOSE the window. 
    About Flow Configuration Values 
    The Flow Configuration Values are pieces of data that can be edited by a Process Expert from the Simple FlowDesigner

  4. Under Flow Anchor Data, select Show Editor; define a data named "Account" with Account selected as the Type. Then, CLOSE the window. 

    About Flow Anchor Data
    Flow Anchor Data is any data that will be passed to the Flow.

  5. From the Data > Text category of the Steps tab, attach a Replace Text step to the Start step. From the Properties of the Replace Text step, under Inputs, Select From Flow map Account.FirstName to Replace With. Then, map EmailBody to Source

  6. Under Inputs, Constant map "[Name]" to To Replace.

  7. From Steps > Favorite Steps, attach a Send Email step to the Done path of the Replace Text step, as well as the End step. 

  8. From the Properties of the Send Email step, Constant map the desired sender's email. Under To, change the mapping to Build Array, then map Account.EmailAddress to Item 0

  9. Map EmailSubject to the Subject Input. Then, map ReplaceText1_Output to Body

  10. Deselect the step to navigate back to the Properties for the Simple Flow Step; under Setup > Edit Flow, click Edit

Configure the Edit Flow Setup

  1. From the resulting Flow Designer, attach a Show Form step from Steps > Favorite Steps to the Start step. Then from the Form step's Properties tab, select Pick or Create Form and CREATE a new Form named "Send Email Form."
  2. From the Form Designer, add two Button components (one Labeled "Cancel", the other "Save"), a Text Box Labeled "Subject", a Rich Text Box Labeled "Body", and a Label stating: "Please use [Name] where you'd like the client name to populate". 
    About [Name] Parameter 
    The [Name] value is used to define a location for value Output by the Replace Text step. 

  3. Select the Text Box, under the Properties tab, uncheck each value under Required Outcome Scenarios. Then check Save under Optional Outcome Scenarios
  4. Save and Close the Form. 
  5. Back in the Flow Designer, navigate to the Send Email Form's Properties, under Inputs set Body and Subject to Ignore. Under Outputs > Save, set Body and Subject to Change Value, Pick EmailBody and EmailSubject for each one respectively. 
  6. Connect the Save and Cancel paths to their respective End steps. 
  7. Select the End step, then check EmailBody and EmailSubject under Pick From Current Data.
  8. Save and Close the Send Email Edit Flow

Create the Simple Flow Step Wait In Minutes

  1. From the same Designer Folder, CREATE an additional Simple Flow Step named "Wait in Minutes". 
  2. From the Properties of the Simple Flow Step, define the Category as "Campaign", PICK a Step Image and Background Color, check the Use Edit Flow box, then under Flow Configuration Values, click Show Editor
  3. Define the DataDefinition by Naming it "Time", and select Int32 under Type. Then CLOSE the window. 
  4. Attach an Add Minutes step from Steps > Data > Dates to the Start step. From the Properties of the Add Minutes step, set the mapping for Source Date to Current Date Time, then map Time to Minutes
  5. From Steps > Flow Management, attach a Pause Flow step to the Add Minutes and End steps. From its Properties tab, map AddMinutes1_Output to Resume When
  6. Navigate to the Properties for the Flow; under Edit Flow, click Edit

Configure the Edit Flow Setup

  1. From the resulting Flow Designer, attach a Show Form step from Steps > Favorite Steps to the Start step. Then from the Form step's Properties tab, select Pick or Create Form and CREATE a new Form named "Wait in Minutes Form." 
  2. From the Form Designer, add two Button components (one Labeled "Cancel", the other "Save"), and a Number Box labeled "Minutes to Wait".
  3. Navigate to the Properties for the Number Box component; under Required Outcome Scenarios, uncheck both values. Then, under Optional Outcome Requirements, check the Save box. 
  4. Save and Close the Form Designer.
  5. Back in the Flow Designer, from the Properties of the Wait in Minutes Form, map Time to Minutes to wait. Then under Outputs, set Minutes to wait to Change Value and Pick Time.
  6. Connect the Save and Cancel paths to their respective End steps. 
  7. On the Save End step, under Pick From Current Data, select Time. Then, Save and Close the Flow Designer for the Edit Flow as well as the Simple Flow Step

Add New User

Additional Info/Prerequisite 
The following example requires users to create and Add an Account to two different Groups to fully display limited access and functionality. For more info on how to create Accounts navigate to Adding a User Account and Adding A Group.
  1. From the Decisions Studio, navigate to System > Security > Accounts, then select CREATE ACCOUNT from the Global Action Bar.
  2.  Provide the Account with an Email and Password, then scroll to Select Group and click Add New.
  3. Add the Account to two Groups; Marketing Users and Designers. Add the new account to two groups: Designers and a Marketing Users group. Then, click CREATE ACCOUNT. 
  4. Navigate to the Marketing Email Designer Folder, right-click it and select Manage > Manage Permissions.
  5. Under Groups, click Add New, Pick Marketing Users, and enable the CanUse Permission. Then click OK and SAVE PERMISSIONS. 
  6. Right-click the Simple Flows Designer Folder and select Manage > Manage Permissions. Under Groups > Groups Information, click Add New, Pick the Designers Group
  7. Enable the following Permissions, then click OK and SAVE PERMISSIONS:
    • CanUse
    • CanOpen
    • CanView
    • CanEdit

Configure Simple Flow under New Account

  1. Login to the previously created Account.
  2. In an incognito window then open Simple Flows > 30% Off Campaign
  3. From the limited Simple Flow Designer, click the button then select the Send Email step from the Quick Add Galley tab. 
  4. Fill the Subject and Body fields out with relevant content, using "[Name]" to denote where the recipient's Name will go. Then, click Save.
  5. Add the Wait In Minutes step to the Simple Flow. From the Minutes to Wait field, define the Time as "1", then click Save. 
  6. Add a final Send Email step, convey the urgency of the sale in the Subject and Body content, then click Save. 
  7. Save and Close the Simple Flow. 
  8. Navigate back to and open the Simple Flow from the Admin Account. 
  9. Then click Debug. Under Input Data > Account, click the Edit button (ellipses), then PICK the desired Account. Then click Run Capturing All
  10. After the Flow runs, check the recipient Email Account to verify that the Emails were received and properly configured. 

Additional Information on Debug 
When utilizing the Debugger, to view the process for each individual step in a Simple Flow, users may select the step's Name from the Folder Tree on the left. This is particularly helpful for identifying any issues with the Flow that may be caused by individual steps, and also provides a look into the makeup of the process overall. 

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