Creating Accounts
  • 08 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Creating Accounts

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Article summary

Administrators manage accounts and creation in the System > Security > Account folders. Accounts contain login credentials, user-related personal information, and the groups to which the account belongs. This data can be used in a process in various Designer Elements.

Permissions are granted at the account or group level. Account permissions override group permissions since they are a higher priority. Administrators may optionally install the Active Directory (AD) module to authenticate accounts. This can be complemented with  Single-Sign-On (SSO) to secure server logins.

Note About User Permissions
Only Administrators are able to create and manage Groups and Accounts in the platform. Designers and general users are only able to view existing Groups and Accounts within a given Project.

Default Accounts

There are four pre-built accounts; these accounts are found by navigating to System > Security > Accounts

Account NameAccount PurposeSafely Removeable?
AdminThis account is the default admin account set up during installation. No, the email and password are configurable to be used by an Administrator.
GUESTMust be enabled to be used. Useful for exposing Designer Elements to be consumed without authentication. Provides limited Portal access to engage with Designer Elements.It can be activated and deactivated; deleting this account is not recommended.
ProcessMiningUsed for the Process Mining utility.If Process Mining is not being utilized, yes.
SYSTEMRuns all back-end processes.No, do not delete this account and do not move it from the Administrators group.
ExternalSystemManages assignments for the Wait on External System step and External Forms.It can be activated and deactivated; deleting this account is not recommended.

Create Account

Create and manage Accounts by navigating to System > Security > Accounts. To create an Account, select CREATE ACCOUNT. To edit an account, right-click any account to show the action menu. 

Required Account Information

The following fields must be filled to create a new account in the instance:

Setting NameDescription
EmailPrompts for the email of the account to create. Either the email or the user identifier value can be used during login. 
PasswordPrompts for the password for the email account. 
Confirm PasswordPrompts to reenter the password again to confirm accuracy.
User IdentifierPrompts for a username attached to the user account. If left blank, then the user may log in with only their email address.

Optional Account information

Further identifying information may be specified in the optional account creation fields. Fields marked with an asterisk * are only available after initial Account creation.

Property NameDescription
Employee IDPrompts for the employee ID of the account user. 
First NamePrompts for the account user's first name.
Middle NamePrompts for the account user's middle name.
Last NamePrompts for the account user's last name.
InitialsPrompts for the account user's initials.
DepartmentPrompts for the account user's department.
Job TitlePrompts for the account user's job title.
CompanyPrompts for the account user's employer.
ManagerAllows selection of which groups this account will manage.
LocationAllows selection of the default login location in the instance for the account.
Is ActiveToggles setting the account as active in the instance.
Is ConfirmedThis setting marks the account as a valid and authenticated account. If unchecked, the account will not be allowed to log into the portal.
Can Use PortalToggles permission to access the Portal.
LanguageAllows selection of which language the account uses. Options are populated based on the language added under System > System Data > Languages.
TimezoneAllows selection of which timezone the account exists under.
User CultureAllows selection of the account's user culture.
PhonePrompts for the phone number(s) associated with the user account.
Member OfAllow selection of which group(s) the new account will belong to upon creation. The account will automatically adopt the same permissions of the group(s) it joins.
AddressPrompts for the address(es) associated with the account's user.
Allowed ImpersonationsAllows selection of which accounts the new account is allowed to impersonate.
Email AddressesPrompts for additional email address(es) associated with the user account.
Instant MessengerPrompts for instant messenger information associated with the user account.
Other ContactPrompts for other additional contact details associated with the account.
* User TypeProvides drop down to select Machine or Person as a User Type.
* Default FolderIf configured, this Folder will serve as a "Landing Page" for the Account.
* Entity DescriptionProvide a description of the Account.
* Allowed IP AddressesAccess to the platform can be restricted based on allowed IP Addresses.

Deleting an Account

To delete an account, right-click on the desired account to view the Action Menu. Under the Manage dropdown, select Delete [AccountName]. Deleting an account within the Studio removes information from the instance but does not remove the deleted account data from the database tables. If a hard delete is required, contact

Account Relations

Relations are designated relationships Administrators can create that dictate how Accounts and Groups interact with each other. Within the Designer Studio, navigate to System > Security > Relations in order to locate the Relations Dashboard. The three user actions that are available on the Relations Dashboard are ADD ACCOUNT RELATION, ADD GROUP RELATION, and ADD RELATION INFO. Administrators can add any of the three options by selecting the type of Relation they would like to create from the Action Bar, Inputting the required information, and clicking SAVE.

For further information on Administration, visit the Decisions Forum.

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