Using Form Outcome Rules
  • 04 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Using Form Outcome Rules

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Article summary

A Form Outcome Rule evaluates data provided by a control in the Form, and when the Rule is true, it causes the Form to take a path. This document discusses how to create a Form Outcome Rule and apply it to a Form.


In this example, a drop-down list has three values: "Very Interested," "Somewhat Interested," and "Not Interested." If the "Not Interested" value is selected, the Form automatically exits.

  1. In a Designer Folder, select the CREATE FLOW button. When the Create Flow dialog appears, select Flow, name the Flow, then select CREATE. 
  2. Select the Done outcome path of the Start step. 
  3. In the Add After dialog, select the Show Form step in the Favorite Steps category. Select ADD. 
  4. With the Show Form step selected, in the Properties panel, select PICK OR CREATE FORM. Select CREATE under Create New. Choose Form. Name the Form. Select CREATE.

  5. In the Form Designer, add a Drop Down List (InterestLevel). In the Properties panel under Input Data, change the List Input Source to Static. The List Items are Very Interested, Somewhat Interested, and Not Interested. 

  6. Select the workspace, then navigate to the Properties panel. Under Form Rules > Legacy > Outcome Rules, select ADD NEW.

  7. In the Add Outcome Rules dialog, name the Outcome Rule "Customer Follow Up". The Outcome Path this Rule will create is "Not Interested".
  8. Under Triggers, select ComboBox: Selection Changed
  9. Under Rules, select ADD NEW.

  10. In the Add Rules dialog, name the Rule "CheckInterestLevel". Select PICK RULE.

  11. In the Rule Designer, select SETUP INPUT DATA.

  12. In the Input Data Designer, name the Input Data "InterestLevel" with the Type set to String.

  13. Set the Rule to read: If InterestLevel Equals Not Interested, then Return True, else Return False.
  14. Save and close the Rule Designer.

  15. In the Add Rules dialog, select UPDATE INPUTS.

  16. In the Edit Inputs dialog, change Input Type to Form Component. Change the Form Data Name to InterestLevel
  17. Select OK in the Edit Inputs dialog.
  18. Select OK in the Add Rules dialog.
  19. Save and close the Form Designer.  
  20. In the Flow Designer, connect the Submit and Not Interested outcome paths to the End step.


  1. In the Form Designer, select Debug in the top action panel.
  3. When the Form displays, select Very Interested in the drop down list. Select Submit; the Flow will continue down the Submit path.
  5. When the Form displays, select Not Interested in the drop down list. The Flow will then immediately go down the Not Interested path.

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