Using Data Flow In a Form
  • 19 Jan 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Using Data Flow In a Form

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Article summary


Decisions has the ability to run additional Flows from a Form. These can be triggered automatically or run based on user interaction. For example, a field on the Form will change based on the user inputs on a different control. The Flow within the Form will run and push data back to the Form. The following example shows the features of Data Flows in a Form.


Create a Form where the user will input a type date (Month Day, Year) into the Text Box, and the Data Flow will convert the string to a date and appear in the Date Picker.

  1. In a Designer Folder, select the Create Flow button. 
  2. When the Create Flow dialog appears, select Flow, name the Flow, then select CREATE.

  3. Select the Done outcome path of the Start step.
  4. In the Add After dialog, select the Show Form step in the Favorite Steps category. Select ADD.
  5. With the Show Form step selected, in the Properties panel, select PICK OR CREATE FORM.
  6. Select CREATE under Create New. Choose Form, name the Form, and select CREATE.

  7. The Form has one Button (Done), Two Labels (Date as String, Date From String), one Text Box (Date as String), and finally, one Date Time Pickers (Date From String).

  8. Select the workspace. In the Properties panel, navigate to the FORM RULES section and expand Legacy. Under Data Flows, select ADD NEW.

  9. The Add Data Flows dialog will appear. Name the Flow Data, “Convert Text To Date”.
  10. Select PICK FLOW.

  11. In the Create or Pick dialog, select CREATE. Select Form Data Flow.
  12. Name the Flow, select CREATE.

  13. Select the Done outcome path of the Start step.
  14. In the Add After dialog, search for and choose the Convert String to Date step. Select ADD.
  15. Connect the Done outcome path to the End step.

  16. Select the Start step. In the Properties panel, under Flow Inputs, select SHOW EDITOR. 
  17. In the Data Definitions dialog, type DateAsString and leave the Type as String
  18. Select CLOSE to save and close.

  19. Select the Convert String to Date step in the workspace. 
  20. Under Inputs > String to Convert, select Pick.
  21. In the Pick Data for Input dialog, choose Date As String, select DONE. Notice under the Outputs section, the mapping type is set to Rename, and the Name is Converted Date.

  22. Select the End step, under Data > Pick From Current Data select Converted Date.
  23. Save and close the Data Flow.

  24. In the Add Data Flows dialog, select UPDATE INPUTS.
  25. Under Flow Inputs, select the pencil icon next to DateAsString. Change the Input Type to Form Control. Under Form Data Name, select the Date as String Textbox. Select OK.
  26. Under Flow Outputs, select the pencil icon next to Flow: Converted Date.
  27. Select Refresh all the components listening to this data name. Select OK.
  28. In the Add Data Flows dialog, select OK.

  29. On the Form, select the Date Time Picker. In the Properties panel, navigate to Common Properties > Data Name and select PICK FROM DATA.
  30. In the Pick Data dialog, choose Flow: Converted Date, select PICK.
  31. Save and Close the Form Designer.


  1. In the Flow Designer, select Debug on the top panel.
  2. The Debugger will appear; select the START DEBUGGING in the middle of the screen to initiate the Debugger.
  3. The Form will appear, allowing users to type a date, and the Date As String date picker will change on value change.

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