System Validation Folder
  • 27 Feb 2020
  • 2 Minutes to read
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System Validation Folder

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Article summary


System Validation Folder shows all system validation errors can restart instance here, run full system validation and clear import issues. This folder contains information on changes and errors. This is helpful for troubleshooting problems. This document provides different information found in this folder. 


System Validation Folder can be found under System>System Tools> System Validation

User Actions

These actions are available on the top in the first three tabs of this folder.

Restart InstanceThis will restart SHM.
Run Full System ValidationThis action will check for validation issues for the whole system. It will show a pop-up and state the number of issues found.
Clear All Import IssuesThis will remove all import issues notification.
DependenciesThis will navigate the user to the Dependencies folder.
ManageThis will contain more actions within.

  • Open Containing Folder: This will open the folder(System Tools) this "System Validation" Folder is in.
  • Pin To Top Menu: This will pin the System Validation folder to the top under the search bar.
  • See Audit History: This will open the "All audit Capture History" report.
  • {User Portal Visibility} Hide:  This will hide this folder in the User Portal.
  • {User Portal Visibility} Show:  This will Show this folder in the User Portal. 

AllWill contain all the actions discussed above.

All Validation Issues Tab

All Validation Issues tab is the first tab in this Folder.

Validation Types

Below are the various Validation issues that users can encounter.

Validation TypeDescription
Data Structure This will indicate an invalid data type being used.
Designer Item- FlowThis will indicate the Flow is breaking at some point.
LicenseThis validation type indicates that the license is expiring soon. Users will need to renew their license. 
Import IssuesThis indicates that there were issues during importing.

When a user clicks on one of the validations errors listed, they can view more details on the bottom header. Also, depending on the type of entity that is causing the issue, there will be various actions that users can take. These actions will be listed in the bottom right of the Header.

Import History Tab

The second tab, "Import History", provides information on all Importing actions. This page contains a report of all the elements that were imported. As the name indicates, this report provides the history of all the objects that were imported into the instance. It has the following fields:

Field NameDescription
NameThis is the Name of the element that is imported
Entity TypeThis provided the type of element. For example, the following could be an Entity Type:
  • PageData
  • Unit Test
  • Folder
  • Defined Data Structure
  • Document
  • Element Registration
  • Folder Access Rights
  • Database Query
Importing Date TimeThis is the date/time when the object was imported into the Instance.
Imported ByThis will provide the User email for the User who imported the object.
Has Validation IssuesThis field indicates if there were any Validation issues with the imported object.
Issues RemainingThis field indicates if the Validation issues are still present or not.

Import Issues Tab

The third tab, "Import Issues", contains all the importing objects with Validation issues. This page contains a header at the bottom that provides more details on the issue (if any are available). There are also actions available on the bottom-right.

Design Changes Tab

The Fourth tab, "Design Changes" tab contains information on all the modifications that are made to Decisions objects. This tab is useful for checking the progress of the project over time. The Report lists the object name, the date the modifications were made, the user that made the change and the type of object it is.

Data Changed Tab

The last tab, "Data Changed", provides information on objects that were modified. It contains two reports. One of the objects that were modified and the other report on objects that were deleted.

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