System Folders Tree
  • 31 Mar 2022
  • 6 Minutes to read
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System Folders Tree

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Article summary


The System folder contains various options for configuring, customizing, and managing the Decisions environment. This folder can only be viewed and accessed by Administrator accounts. 

Select the gear icon to expand the System folder in the Decisions Studio.

Customizing the System Page
If wishing to add or remove information on the System Page Dashboard, search for it in the search bar and open the System Page in the Page Designer. Similar to editing any other Page, admin users may remove tiles of information, create new ones, and/or reassemble the System Page to their preferences.

Before any editing; however, it is a best practice to save a copy of the System Page if any changes must be reversed.

For a step-by-step example of how this is accomplished, please refer to our forum post "Hiding Server Uptime In System Information".

System Folder Actions

ActionAction Definition
Manage PermissionsManage and maintain who has access to the Administrative Features and Functions
Restart InstanceAllows admin users to restart the Service Host Manager from the Studio in circumstances where the user does not have access to the server.
Update Security FoldersUpdates the security folders in the event there are issues with inherited permissions.
Theme EditorChange the styling of the Portal and Studio via .LESS files
License InformationSee what kind of license the environment has and when it will expire

Top-Level System Folders

Folder NameFolder Description
AdministrationThese are the activities of managing the Decisions instance and configurations
ApplicationsManage projects available in the App Store or the Workflow Catalog
DesignersManage the designer configurations that typically appear in the Studio and/or Element Designers
IntegrationsSet up Integrations to external systems, tokens, and webhooks
Jobs and EventsSetup and maintain Message Queues, Scheduled Jobs, and Events
SecurityManage the directory to authenticate Decisions users
SettingsUpdate settings for DLLs or Decisions default settings
System DataManage the data available in Entities in the environment

Administration Folder

These are the activities of managing the Decisions instance and configurations

Folder NameFolder Description
AuditingIf Auditing is turned on for the entities, then this will be the folder populates with a report that will display changes for those entities.
CacheConfigure and Manage different Cache definitions for applications requiring better access to data
ContainersAllows packaging of application's code, configurations, and dependencies into a single unit
Deployment ImagesCreating an image of the environment to utilize the Container feature
FeaturesInstall extensions or built-in integrations to Decisions to enhance the platform capabilities
ImportingContains Import Assignment and Imported Entities for monitoring information about imported entities.
NotificationsContains subfolders: Default Notifications, Notification Flows, Notification Types, Sms carriers.
Root NodesIn this folder,  add and edit Root Nodes like Knowledge Base and Service Catalog.
ServersCan monitor all servers that were used by this instance of Decisions. Additionally, can also Create and Configure Platform Servers in this folder.
System ToolsThis contains several different tools for server administration including Logging, Profiler, System Validation, and Flow Management

System Tools

Folder NameFolder Description
Automated TestingCreating and managing Automated Test Sessions.
Event ViewerThis is a powerful tool to monitor different System Events and Activity(Event Viewer, System Activity, Upgrade History, Boot History, Scheduled Job Log, Cache Size, Thread Jobs, Archived Entities, Accounts Login History, Code Buckets, Message Queues, Client Events, Lock Service Details, Report Activity, Report Execution Statistics, Report Structure).
Flow ManagementA tool to monitor and manage all workflow activities in the portal (Flow Step Browser, Integration Activities, Running Flows, Workflow Queues, Stored Workflows, Recent Flow Results, Flow and Rule Validation, Flow Structure).
LoggingViewer for Server and Client Logs.
ProfilerAbility to Start Profiler Session, record some activity in the portal, save the session, and load sessions.
System ValidationShows all system validation errors, can restart instance here, run full system validation, and clear import issues.


Manage projects available in the App Store or the Workflow Catalog

Folder NameFolder Description
App StoreShow a list of the pre-built applications already installed from the App Store
Workflow CatalogHave easy access buttons so end users can kick off workflows for the portal.


Folder NameFolder Description
AgentsThis management tool allows communication with a client-server that is secured with a firewall
AliasManage Alias' that were created for Decisions' Entities like workflows.
AssignmentsA folder to manage assignments.
CatalogWhere visible Decisions elements, actions, steps, controls in the Studio live
CSSCan add, update, delete Cascading Styling Sheets that to utilize in the environment via Forms, Pages, etc.
Data StructureStores all data structures and data types that are used in Decisions.
DebuggerThis Folder stores all utilities and helpers that are used in Decisions Debugger.
Declared Dependency
Designer RepositoryUtility to manage the Repository server.
Email TemplatesCan add, update, delete Email Templates (styling) applied to instance email notifications.
Entity ExtensionsCreate and manage Entityand Folder Actions, and Configurations.
ImagesStores Images that can be used in Formand Page Designers.
Lookup Lists and ConstantsSet lookup values and global variables so that data that it frequently utilized can be declared and easily accessible to designers
Report DistributionCan create custom ways of Report Distribution using Flow Engine.
Report OutputContains the subfolders: Handlers and Templates
RepositoryUtility to manage Projects in Repository.
Restore PointsA folder that stores and manages Restore Points in Decisions.
Toolbox CustomizationCustomize the Decisions environment to meet the needs of any organization SOP’s using the same Flow and Rules Designer


Set up Integrations to external systems, tokens, and webhooks

Folder NameFolder Description
DatabasesNo need to use our back-end SQL database. 
External SystemsSOAP, WCF, REST are all configurable to communicate with external applications companies love and rely on
OAuthSetup tokens to the applications requiring authorization with this standard. token-based authentication that allows an end user's account information to be used by third-party services without exposing the user's password. Ex: Facebook, Salesforce, Twitter
WebhooksSetup and manage real-time calls to other applications. Webhooks are one way that apps can send automated messages or information to other apps, real-time. Also called a web callback or HTTP push API

Jobs and Events

Folder NameFolder Description
EventsDecisions can trigger flows to kick off based on events, including a failed ping or a new document in a file directory. Contains a report that allows a user to monitor System Events, Check URL Event, Email Event, File Watcher Event, and Ping Failed Event
Message QueuesIt is a queue of messages to be sent between different applications
Work QueuesDecisions can put work into queues and Decisions servers can work on tasks within those queues
Scheduled JobsCreating and managing processes that should run on the defined schedule. This is a flow that can run a flow on a time interval


Manage the directory to authenticate Decisions users

Folder NameFolder Description
AccountsManage Account information about all Decisions users; including password rests, culture, impersonations, and landing pages
GroupsManage groups that accounts can be members of to easily manage permissions throughout the portal and task group members with tasks
Named SessionsThis is a token-like way to authenticate users and makes it possible to pass in a specific user account when invoking a flow or rule, via REST, without exposing the user account information
Security QuestionsSecurity questions can be used as an extra level of security when clients need to verify their identity. Can then prompt them for the answer to the question they selected.

System Data

Folder NameFolder Description
Assignment PrioritiesCan set Priority Order for the Assignments or add new Priorities.
Assignment RolesCreating and editing specific Assignment Roles for different users and groups.
Association TypesEdit and Create Association between different Decisions Entities.
Business MetricsAdd and configure business metrics to be captured in this folder. Business Metrics are quantifiable values that measure the success and efficiency of a given business process. Different process goals call for different metrics to measure their success.
Chat MessagesStores Chat messages entities.
Contact DetailsCan create and store Contact Info, create new Contact Types and Contact-Type Priorities.
Document TypeCan create new Document Types to use in Decisions here. Moreover, can also edit the MIME type of the existing Document types.
HelpAdding and editing Help Message Keys and Text to use as popup messages in the Decisions on different components of the User Interaction Design.
ID GenerationCan Manage ID Generation keys that are used as unique keys for Assignments.
LanguagesAdd and manage Languages to use in Decisions
LocationsAdd and edit different Locations with different workdays and hours as well as Holidays
TagsStores, adds and edits Tags for Entities in Decisions

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