Silent Installation
  • 28 Sep 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Silent Installation

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Article summary


Decisions installations can be done using the command line. This allows for silent automated installations.

Please Note: A secondary database connection CANNOT be set up for silent installations. 
A secondary database MUST be set up AFTER a silent installation by editing the settings.xml file. Please navigate to the Setting a Fail-over Connection String article for more details on setting up the secondary database after the silent installation.


Before performing a silent installation create an InstallerSetup.xml file. This is done using the DecisionsInstaller.exe. 

  1. Open DecisionsInstaller.exe and step through the installation wizard, entering the settings for the silent install to use. 
  2. At the very end of the installation wizard, set Save Install Settings To File to true. 
  3. Uncheck Encrypted Settings File. This new file can now be used to install Decisions from the command line with the updated settings.
  4. Run the Decisions installer via the command line like this: DecisionsInstaller.exe [path to InstallerSetup.xml].
  5. Running this command will install Decisions using the settings configured in the InstallerSetup.xml file. 3_Installation-Complete.png

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