Setting Min and Max on Charts
  • 24 Jun 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Setting Min and Max on Charts

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Article summary


Charts on Reports can have a set minimum and maximum number for data displayed. In this example, display the data in a Report with a Bars chart, then adjust the minimum and maximum settings.


  1. In an existing Report, hover over the Created On Date data field, and select the icon beside the mini triangle to group the data.
  2. Under Views, select Add > Charts > Bars. 
  3. In the Add Bars Chart dialog, name the chart and select OK.
  4. Set the Set Maximum Value and Set Minimum Value to true. 
  5. In the Minimum Value field, set the value as 0.
  6. In the Maximum Value field, set the value as 5.
  7. Notice that the Report adjusts the chart to respect the maximum value while still displaying each bar's total value in the chart.

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