Scheduling Step Glossary
  • 09 Dec 2021
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Scheduling Step Glossary

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Article summary


The following article details all steps found in the Scheduling category in the Step Toolbox.

Step NameDescriptionLocation Inputs/Outputs
Check Schedule

The Check Schedule step is a Rule step used to evaluate a date to see if it exists within the confines of a set schedule. The step uses a folder Id Input (String) to source the schedule and the date Time in Question (DateTime) Input to evaluate against the Folder's schedule. The step outputs the results in the form of a True or False response. 

Designer Entities > Scheduling
Date Time In Question, Folder Id

Compute Schedule

The Compute Schedule step is used as a means to establish a schedule for an object in Decisions. The object is defined via the folder Id (String) Input, and a from Date and to Date Input (Both DateTime) to establish the schedule. The schedule is then Output in a CalculationResult List format.

Designer Entities > Scheduling
Folder Id, From Date, To Date

Find Next Start Time

The Find Next Start Time is a scheduling step used to determine the next Start Time in a preconfigured schedule. The step utilizes the folder Id in addition to the user Context Input to determine which object's schedule is evaluated. Using a Build Data mapping on the user Context reveals a number of configurable properties such as the BrowserUserAgent, the ClientEventSessionId, the Session Id, a Boolean to denote whether or not the session is in the Studio Portal, and the DisplayType (such as Silverlight, html, etc...). Then, the step evaluates the folder's schedule against the user defined from Date, and the max Days Input to establish how far in the future to evaluate the schedule. The step outputs Start Time as a DateTime value. 

Designer Entities > Scheduling
Exclude Current Time Slot, Folder Id, From Date, Max Days, User Context

Find Next Start Time By TimespanThe Find Next Start Time by Time Span is a scheduling step used to determine the next Start Time in a preconfigured schedule within a defined Time Span. The step utilizes the folder Id in addition to the user Context Input to determine which object's schedule is evaluated. Using a Build Data mapping on the user Context reveals a number of configurable properties such as the BrowserUserAgent, the ClientEventSessionId, the Session Id, a Boolean to denote whether or not the session is in the Studio Portal, and the DisplayType (such as Silverlight, html, etc...). Then, the step evaluates the folder's schedule against the user defined from Date, the max Days Input, and time Span Input to check how far in the future to evaluate the schedule, and when it occurs within the time Span (set via Seconds, Minutes, Hours and Days). The step outputs the scheduled time as a DateTime value. 
Designer Entities > Scheduling
Folder Id, From Date, Max Days, Time Span, User Context

Find Prior Day In Schedule

The Find Prior Day in Schedule step is a scheduling tool used to evaluate a user input folder Id and a date value to evaluate the most recent date in the Schedule that occurred prior to the user Input date. The Prior Day is Output as a DateTime value. 

Designer Entities > Scheduling
Date, Folder Id

Get Next Time By ScheduleThe Get Next Time By Schedule is a scheduling step used to evaluate the next schedule time by checking the date Time in Question Input against a Schedule. The step sources which Schedule to test the date against, from a user input folder Id. The GetNextTimeBySchedule value is Output in a DateTime value.The Get Next Time By Schedule is a scheduling step used to evaluate the next schedule time by checking the date Time in Question Input against a Schedule. The step sources which Schedule to test the date against, from a user input folder Id. The GetNextTimeBySchedule value is Output in a DateTime value.

Designer Entities > Scheduling
Date Time In Question, Folder Id

Is In ScheduleThis Is In Schedule step is a Rule used to evaluate whether a user Input date value lies within a Scheduled Job's schedule. The step does by utilizing a folder Id Input to determine which Schedule to evaluate, and a date Input to define the date being compared against the schedule. This step returns either a True or False path based on the evaluation. 
Designer Entities > Scheduling
Date, Folder Id


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