Recording Statistics From a Flow
  • 03 Aug 2023
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Recording Statistics From a Flow

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Article summary


In addition to the set of base statistics that Decisions can automatically record, individual Flows can record statistics too. This can be used to recording specific statistics about an application built in Decisions. For example, the option to record statistics on which users submit approval requests vs. using a self-help option. This article explains how to record custom statistics from within a Flow.


In the Flow to record statistics, expand Steps, and navigate to Integration > Client Statistics. Here, there are four steps that can be used to record statistics.

Record Statistics Step
Account Id
Account id of the user who took action in Flow
Action Name
Name of action taken (e.g. "Clicked Approve Button" or "Deleted Record")
Application Name
Name of the current application (could be Flow name or general name used to refer to a larger application that is made up of Flows, Rules, etc)
Email Address
The email address of the user who took action in Flow
Section Name
Can be used to indicate a specific section of the application where the action was taken. If the application is very large, there could be some actions with the same name in different parts of the application, and this is used to more specifically name where the action happened
sub Section Name
Like section name, but more specific

Record Statistics With Time And Sessions Step
This step is the same as the Record Statistics step but with the addition of two inputs listed below.
Records the current session id of this Flow. This ID can be found at FlowData.CurrentEventClientSessionId
Time Taken in Seconds

Records the time taken for an action to be completed (like a DB insert or delete). This time must be calculated using steps like Get Current Date and  Get TimeSpan Between before this statistic step.

Record Statistics For Current User Step
This step is the same as the Record Statistics step but automatically sets the values of Account Id and Email Address to the values of the current user.
Record Statistics With Time For Current User Step
This step is the same as  Record Statistics For Current User step but adds an input for Time Taken in Seconds.

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