Reading Logs
  • 07 May 2020
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Reading Logs

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Article summary


Logs are important to help identify issues within the environment or elsewhere that could be effecting end-user or administrator performance. Trying to identify an error within an extensive log can be cumbersome, this article serves to help in diagnosing these log recordings.

The Logs

Logs are produced by issues with the Service Host Manager. These logs can be configured in the Studio and customized with Log steps in the Flow Designer. The types of back-end logs are Primary, DecisionsServiceHost.exe, Usage, UsageDetail, Installer, and SHMcc. 

Reading Logs

There are several different aspects that make up a recorded log in any of the Decisions log files. This screenshot shows an example of a log recording with each component of the log highlighted. Refer to the descriptions of the highlighted components below to get a better understanding of how these logs are comprised.

Log Components

Log NumberThe unique GUID assigned to a log. It allows you to quickly reference a particular log message.
Log CategoryBy default, Decisions generate logs with five distinct categories; Warn, Info, Debug, Error, and Fatal. These categories help to indicate the severity of an issue. The table below explores these categories further.
Log Date StampThis shows the time and date when the error occurred. 
Thread Log Generated OnThis shows which thread the log occurred on. Threads are used to trace the execution of a series of log events, although it cannot be inferred that previous log messages in the file occur in the same execution context. 
Part of Platform Producing LogThis identifies which tool or part of the Decisions product is generating the issue. This is extremely helpful if the administrator is unsure of where the issue is occurring. The category in the screenshot is Flow Engine, but these categories can also include Server, System, Security, AbstractDebugEntity, API Profiling, FlowStep, Database, and more.
Session ID For LogThis shows the Session ID for the user session where this issue occurred. 
Log MessageThis shows the message for the error that occurred, stating what would appear for the error message in the Decisions environment if the problem were encountered there.
Exception DetailsThis shows the exception message for the error that occurred, providing precise details of what happened when the occurrence triggered. 

Log Categories

InfoThis provides information to the user on an occurrence and is typically used outside of error tracking.
DebugThis catches most exceptions that do not fall under the other categories.
WarnThis tracks potential issues that do not impede the process from running. These are typically less critical issues.
ErrorThis tracks when a process cannot complete properly, this is critically higher than a Warn.
FatalThis is an environment breaking level warning that stops a process (or multiple processes) from running.
Enabling Info/Debug Categories
The Info and Debug Log Categories are not enabled by default, please visit our Logging Settings article for more information.

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