- 12 Aug 2022
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Process Step Glossary
- Updated on 12 Aug 2022
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The following article details all steps found in the Process category in the Step Toolbox.
Step Name | Description | Location | Inputs/Outputs |
Add Comment | The Add Comment component creates a comment entry inside of a process folder. Attached is documentation on utilizing the step. | Process | Inputs: Comment, Name Outputs: None |
Add File | Allows users to store to upload a File to a Process Folder. This step takes in and stores a File's name and Byte data. Once a file has been added, users may either Download or Update the file from the Process Folder. | Process | Inputs: Data, Name Outputs: None |
Add FileReferences To Folder | This step takes an array of file references and saves them in the defined folder. It allows for only the FileReference inputs and does not allow input of FileData. If a conversion is needed, the 'Load from File Data' step can be used to convert FileData to FileReference. | Process | Inputs: File References, Folder Id Outputs: None |
Cancel Process | The Cancel Process step stops and clears data (if desired) from a Decisions Process. The step can be placed after a portion of a Process, thereby rendering that Process Data null and void and preventing it from progressing. The step determines whether or not to clear the data based on a user input boolean value. | Process | Inputs: Clear Data Outputs: None |
Is Complete | The Is Complete step is a rule that determines whether a Process is completed. The step offers two resulting paths; one for if the process is complete and one for when it is not. The step utilizes a user input state to evaluate against a process' final state. | Process | Inputs: State Outputs: None |
Save Process Data | The Save Process Data step stores data involved in a Decisions Workflow that utilizes Process Logic and Process Logic steps. The setup can be at any point after a Setup Process Folder step. Stored data from the steps preceding the Save step will be saved to that Process Folder. | Process | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Get State | The Get State step is used to determine the progress of a Decisions process that utilizes Process Folders and logic. Place the step after any portion of a Process within a Workflow; the step will output the state as a string of text. | Process | Inputs: None Outputs: Output |
Get FileReferences In Folder | This takes in a Folder Id and outputs all the FileReferences found within that Folder. | Process | Inputs: Folder Id Outputs: File References |
Save Sample Data | The Save Sample Data step is used to save data for testing purposes. Data a step attached before the Save Sample Data step is passed into this step and then configured via the step's Inputs. These include an Input for defining the Sample Data's Category, its Folder location, whether or not to include the data in the folder tree, a Description of the data, and its Name. Proper configuration allows the appearance and Output of the Sample Data in the Data Samples tab. | Process | Inputs: Category, Folder, Include In Tree, Sample Description, Sample Name Outputs: Sample Data |
Send Notification | Allows users to send a message via either Popup in a Decisions environment, SMS message, or Email. Users may configure who receives the message (specific Users, Groups, Emails) and the message content (Subject, Message body). | Process | Inputs: Message, MsgType, Notification Type Name, Subject Outputs: None |
Set Percent Complete | The Percent Complete step sets the property of the current flow's extension data to the value specified in the step's "percent Complete" Input. Flow extension data is stored in a Flow's Process Folder. This step is helpful for tracking the progress of a Process Flow. Users must use a Setup Process Folder to create a Folder for storing Process/Flow Extension data. | Process | Inputs: Percent Complete Outputs: None |
Set Process Name | The Set Process Name step is used to define a Process in Decisions by providing it with a name; this is set by utilizing the input entitled "name" which takes in a user's defined String value and sets it as the name of the Process. This step is helpful for implementing Process logic and tracking progress in a Workflow. | Process | Inputs: Name Outputs: None |
Set Process Type Name | The Set Process Type Name step is implemented in the uses of Process to define a name value for a type of Process being executed. The step uses a String Input for the Process Type "name" to take in a user defined value. | Process | Inputs: Name Outputs: None |
Set State | The Set State step assigns a state to a process folder. When the step is run in a workflow, it will set the process folder to the defined state in the 'State' input field. | Process | Inputs: State Outputs: None |
Set State and Percent Complete | The Set State and Percent Complete steps are used in Process tracking to keep track of the current state and position of a Process in Decisions and denote how much of it has been completed. The step does so via the Int32 Input, Percent Complete, and the String Input, state. This example uses the simple Inputs 30 to denote 30% completion and Signed to notate when something has been signed. | Process | Inputs: Percent Complete, State Outputs: None |
Set State And State Reason | The Set State and State Reason step is used to assign a state and reason for the state to a process folder. When the step is run in a workflow, it will set the process folder to the defined state in the 'State' input field. | Process | Inputs: State, State Reason Outputs: None |
Set State Color | The Set State Color is a flow step used to change the folder state color when displayed on a 'Process View Page' or a 'Folder Activity Panel'. This flow step is meant to be used in tandem with the Set State flow step and the Setup Process Folder step. | Process | Inputs: Color, State Outputs: None |
Set State Reason | The Set State Reason step is used to assign a reason to a process Folder state. | Process | Inputs: State Reason Outputs: None |
Setup Process Folder | This step allows you to represent, manage, and persistent Flow data within the portal by creating a portal-embedded Folder into which process data, states, and files can be stored. | Process | Inputs: Anticipated Flow time, Expected States of Flow, Flow Prefix, Folder Description, Folder Name, Folder Type Name. Outputs: Process Folder Id |
Send Notification With Files | The Send Notification With Files step is used to send a configured message that contains attached files. The is configured similarly to other Notification steps; the step allows users to define the 'message' content, 'msgtype', 'notification Type name', and 'subject' via the step's Inputs. The 'files' may be dynamically mapped in or uploaded through Constant mapping and the file uploader. | Process | Inputs: Files, Message, MsgType, Notification Type Name, Subject Outputs: None |
Send Notification With URL | The Send Notification With Url step allows users to send a notification containing a Url. The step contains Inputs for the designated 'folder Id', the message content itself. the 'msgtype', the preconfigured 'notification Type Name'*, the message's subject, the Url itself, and a name to define it. Notification Type Name' must match preconfigured settings established in the Notifications System folder. See documentation for additional instruction. | Process | Inputs: Message, MsgType, Notification Type Name, Subject, URL, URL Name Outputs: None |