Multi-Threading Flow Design
  • 13 Oct 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Multi-Threading Flow Design

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Article summary


This document will cover the setup of true multi-threading. There are many ways to create asynchronous processes; however, not all run on different threads. Some merely run multiple synchronous processes in parallel. To achieve true multi-threaded behavior, use one of the following steps:

Additional Resources 
For more information on Multi-Threadingbehavior, see the following:

Run Flows For List

To create true multi-threading with the Run Flows For List step:

1. Change the Run Behavior to ThreadJobAsync

2. Declare a new Queue Name, different from the default name (ex: NewThreadQueue).

[Start Linked Flow Async]

To enable multi-threaded behavior on the Start Linked Flow Async step:

1.  Check the box next to Manage Execution Threads

2.  Declare a new ThreadJobName that is different from the default value (ex: NewThread).

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