Key Triggers On Form Controls
  • 27 Jul 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Key Triggers On Form Controls

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Article summary


This tutorial demonstrates how to create and use Key Triggers on Forms and Form Controls in Decisions. With this feature, designers can create key shortcuts and attach actions such as navigating to a different control, triggering action controls, running validation rules, or data flows. These hotkey shortcuts may be designed to work on an entire Form or on specific Form controls.


  1. In a Designer Folder, select CREATE FLOW from the Global Action Bar.
  2. In the Create Flow dialog, select the default Flow, name it, and click CREATE.
  3. In the Flow Designer, add a Show Form step from Toolbox > FAVORITE STEPS section and connect it to the Start step.

  4. In the Properties panel, select PICK OR CREATE Form. Click CREATE, select, and name the default Form. Click CREATE again.

  5. In the Form Designer, from the Toolbox > FAVORITES, add a Button [Done] and a Text Box component.

  6. Select the Text Box. In its Properties panel > TRIGGERS > Key Triggers, select Add New.

  7. In the Add Key Triggers window, define Shortcut Key by selecting a key or a combination of keys.

  8. Next, the Trigger Type is set to GoToControl by default; change it to TriggerAction.

    Trigger TypeFunction
    GoToControlThis function will trigger the focus of the Form to a Form component.
    TriggerActionThis function will trigger an action placed on the Form; if a Button is placed on the Form it will trigger the Button based on the configured Shortcut Keys. 
    RunActiveFormFlowThis function will trigger a previously created Active Form Flow to run based on user settings; this function can validate user input as it is being entered on the Form, or it can be used to hide/show, enable/disable, and set values on controls.
    RunValidationThis function will be phased out and replaced with Active Form Flows. However, more information on running Validation Flows can be found in the article Validating Form Data with a Flow.
    RunDataFlowThis function will be phased out and replaced with Active Form Flows. However, more information on running Data Flows can be found in the article Using Data Flow In a Form.
  9. The options for the Control To Focus component will be available selections for the defined Shortcut Key to navigate the user toClick OK to continue.

    The Key Trigger has been created and will work when the combination of keys are selected by the user. Key Triggers can also be created from the Form's Properties panel.
  10. Save and Close the Form Designer.
  11. In the Flow Designer, connect the Done outcome of the Form to the End step to complete the Flow.


  1. Select Debug from the Top Action Panel.
  2. In the Debugger, click START DEBUGGING and the Form will display. The Shortcut Keys [Shift + I] will be selected on the keyboard and the Form will close; this ends the Flow.

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