- 31 Jan 2022
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Flow Management Step Glossary
- Updated on 31 Jan 2022
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The following article details all steps found in the Flow Management category in the Step Toolbox.
Step Name | Description | Location | Inputs/Outputs |
Start Step | You can only have ONE start step in the workflow. This is in the step library in case a start step is deleted and unrevivable. | Flow Management | Inputs: Depends on the Flow Outputs: Depends on the Flow |
End Step | A user can have more than one end point in a Flow and this step allows them to define additional outputs to a Flow. A user is expected to have different End Step names and they can define different data outputs at each End Step. If a user uses this Flow as a Subflow, they will see different outcome paths branching as a result. | Flow Management | Inputs: Depends on the Flow Outputs: "Done" |
Branch Step | The Branch Step allows for the process of multiple Flow steps in parallel rather than sequentially. Note that all branches must get merged back together using a 'Merge Step.' | Flow Management > Branching | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Merge Step | This step joins back Branched paths of a Flow. When a Branched path reaches this step, it will wait by default, until all branched paths reach this step. To only be used after a Branch step or a Branch ForEach step, the AllowCancelMerge option allows the Flow to determine if the other branches should wait at this step for all to complete, or if there are circumstances where the Flow should continue. The MergeType option allows a user to determine whether this merge should be limited to this Flow, or if should include all subflows that contain branches as well. | Flow Management > Branching | Inputs: MergeType [] (MergeType), AllowCancelMerge (Boolean) Outputs: None |
GoTo Step | Leaps to the step specified in the enumerated list, "GoToStepName." This reduces the clutter of Flow lines that normally criss-cross and make a workflow difficult to follow. | Flow Management | Inputs: GoToStepName[] Outputs: None |
Pause Flow | Temporarily halts a Flow for a particular amount of time. An input data field allows the designer to designate when the Flow may resume operation and continue along the outcome path. The "SaveFlowDataOnPause" allows the user to ensure that the Flow data is saved to the database when the step is started. | Flow Management | Inputs: ResumeWhen (DateTime) Outputs: Resume |
Step Statistics - Store | The Step Statistics - Store step is used to store statistics pertaining to the steps that proceed the Step Statistics - Store step in a Flow. To store information, users simply place the step after the steps they wish to record statistics. Running the Flow will return a 'Done' result and update the Flow Step Statistics Report with the newly recorded statistics. Note: the Flow Step Statistics Report exists within the System > Designers > Catalog > System Defaults Folder. | Flow Management > Error Handling | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Log Step | The Log step is one of the best ways to record debugging level information in a Flow. The logging system uses a log level system and only logs when necessary which makes it very efficient. Use the LogStep instead of using Popups or Email in the Flow to get information about a Flow's execution. | Flow Management > Debugging | Inputs: Value (String), Type (LogType), Category (String) Outputs: "Done" |
Output Data | The Output Data step is a powerful debugging/logging step. When executed, this step will output an array of all of a Flow's data including user defined types and Flow metadata. This step can be used to create logs after an exception is thrown, send emails with Flow details to designers, etc. | Flow Management > Debugging | Inputs: OutputValue (Boolean), OutputType (Boolean), IncludeTopLevelData (Boolean). Outputs: "Done" (Method) |
Cancel Current Flow Execution | The Cancel Current Flow Execution step is used to stop the Flow presently running. This step is simply placed after the point in the Flow where the user wishes to cancel the Flow. This can be helpful to users who may want to stop a Flow or cut off a specific section of a Flow. | Flow Management | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Create Flow Parameters | The Create Flow Parameters step is used to establish specific parameters for a Flow. The step works by utilizing a Data Definitions editor to establish the Parameters, similarly to how a Create Data step functions. Users then create the Parameters giving each one a Name, selecting a Data Type and establishing its Input. This step can be helpful to establish information that is associated with the Flow, such as a Task name or Due Date to establish what the Flow does and when its completion is due. Once the step has been set up, these Parameters may be altered and viewed via right-click Action within the Portal. For more info on this step, see linked documentation. | Flow Management | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Delay Next Step | This step allows you the stall or delay a Flow from continuing for a specified amount of time. This will not PREVENT or STOP the Flow from finishing, just add a pause. | Flow Management | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Go Async | The Go Async component allows subsequent Flow steps to be run asynchronously, returning control immediately to the Flow’s calling Entity (such as a parent Flow, user or process). In other words, any steps placed after the Go Async component will run autonomously. | Flow Management | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Branch ForEach Step | The Branch ForEach step creates a branch for each of array items passed in as input. It's important to note that a merge step will be needed following the process and that forms included within the branch will need to be encapsulated into a linked flow or sub-flow. | Flow Management > Branching | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Set Flow Output Values | This step allows you to manually specify the output values of the specified Flow. | Flow Management | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Is Flow Complete |
| Flow Management | Inputs: Flow Tracking Id Outputs: None |
Output String | The Output String step can be used to merge or define flow data and constants into a new string value. | Flow Management > Debugging | Inputs: String Outputs: String |
Output Data To Current Folder |
| Flow Management > Debugging | Inputs: Include Top Level Data, Name, Output Type, Output Value Outputs: None |
Flow Data Exists | This step checks for existing Flow Data or System Constants within the current Flow. | Flow Management > Data | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Add Comment To Sub State |
| Flow Management > Data > Sub State | Inputs: Comment, Comment Description, State Name, Sub State Name Outputs: None |
Add File To Sub State | The Add File to Sub State is a step used in Process tracking to add file to a Sub State in a Process Flow. The step takes in the file via the data Input; the name Input is used to name the uploaded file. The other two Inputs on the step pertain to the Process itself and allow the user to set a Name for both the State and the Sub State. This particular example utilizes an Approval State and a Sub State called Awaiting Signature denoting that the attached file entitled Sign And Return must be signed. | Flow Management > Data > Sub State | Inputs: Data, Name, State Name, Sub State Name Outputs: None |
Complete Sub State | The Complete Sub State step is used in Process tracking to mark when a Sub State in a Process Flow is completed. The Step takes in both the state and sub State via String Input. Upon completion, the user-defined Sub State will be marked as Complete in the Process Folder. The example utilizes a simple Approval State, with the Sub State being Awaiting Signature. A user would use this step to set the Sub State to Complete, denoting when the signature is obtained. | Flow Management > Data > Sub State | Inputs: State, Sub State Outputs: None |
Get Dependencies [From] | The Get Dependencies component fetches dependencies for an object. If the "Only Unattached" variable is checked it will result in new dependencies, if not it will result in all dependencies for the object received. The Get Dependencies component fetches dependencies for an object. If the "Only Unattached" variable is checked it will result in new dependencies, if not it will result in all dependencies for the object received. | Flow Management > Dependencies | Inputs: Id, Type Name Outputs: Output |
Catch Exception | This step allows you to add some handling in the flow for any unexpected errors or situations that occur in the workflow. Instead of defining exceptions at every step this will capture anytime a flow goes awry and is a good practice to use this within all your flows. You can determine what happens when an error occurs by chaining steps preceding the 'On Exception' path. This step will capture the error message and at what step the error occurred for proper handling. | Flow Management > Error Handling | Inputs: None Outputs: Exception Full Trace, Exception Message, Exception Stack, Exception Type Name, Flow Id, Flow Name, Step Id, Step Name |
Catch Outcome | This step allows you to add some handling in the flow for paths or scenarios that are not connected to a step. You can even constrain which unconnected outcomes will be captured either by the name of the path and/or by the data output from that step. Catch Outcome step will return any data defined to capture and previous step information. | Flow Management > Error Handling | Inputs: None Outputs: Previous Step ID, Previous Step Name, Previous Step Path |
Step Statistics - Store | The Step Statistics - Store step is used to store statistics pertaining to the steps that proceed the Step Statistics - Store step in a Flow. To store information, users simply place the step after the steps they wish to record statistics. Running the Flow will return a 'Done' result and update the Flow Step Statistics Report with the newly recorded statistics. The Flow Step Statistics Report exists within the System > Designers > Catalog > System Defaults Folder. | Flow Management > Error Handling | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Throw Exception | The Throw Exception step allows the Designer to create a custom exception that is triggered when it is reached in the Flow. This step works in tandem with the Catch Exception step. The message configured on the Throw Exception step will reflect in the Catch Exception step stack trace. | Flow Management > Error Handling | Inputs: Message Outputs: None |
ForEach In Group Step | Similar to the ForEach step, this step accepts a list and sends out a list of that same type that share a common field that is selected at design time. This will continue to loop through and iterate on the list, following the Next Group path while there are still Groups to be iterated on. When there are no more items, it will follow the Done path. | Flow Management > Iteration | Inputs: Field To Group By, Collection Outputs: None |
ForEach Step | You can process a list of items with the ForEach Step. The ForEach Step can be used to create a flow loop to perform the same actions on each item within a list from the "Next" outcome. The "Done" outcome is used when all of the items in a list have been processed. The step will attempt to recognize the type of the list passed into the "Collection" input. | Flow Management > Iteration | Inputs: Collection Outputs: Item Index |
ForLoop Step | This step loops through a set of steps for a specified number of iterations. In order to continue to each iteration, the resulting pathway(s) need to return to the ForLoop Step. When the quantity of iterations has been reached, the flow will continue along the 'Done' path. | Flow Management > Iteration | Inputs: No. of Iteration Outputs: Item |
Branch ForEach Step (Chunking) | Breaks a list of objects into smaller lists for easier processing. The size of these smaller lists is controlled by the input to this step. Each smaller list will be run through the steps following this one, and should be brought back to a "Merge" step. | Flow Management | Inputs: Collection, Type, Fail If Empty, Result Type, OutputListSize. Outputs: None. |
Wait On Flow End | This step causes this flow to pause until another flow is completed. The flow that triggers this step to continue should generate a Flow Tracking ID that this step expects as an input. | Flow Management | Inputs: Flow Tracking Id Outputs: None |
Save Flow Data In Table | This step allows a user to save all Flow Data (Variables being used within the Flow) in a Table/Defined Data Structure. When using this step in a Flow, the step creates a Data Form Structure that is stored in the same Folder, and with every Flow run, it creates an Entity that will be stored in the Folder that a user specifies. | Flow Management | Inputs: FolderIsDynamic, AutoTypeName, AutoEntityName, SpecifyDefinitions, SpecifyEntityId, Entity Id, Folder Id Outputs: None |
Run Contingent Steps | This step allows the execution of Flows that have been queued with the "Queue Contingent Flow" step. | Flow Management > Contingent Steps | Inputs: On Another Thread Outputs: None |
Cancel Contingent Steps | This steps cancels steps that have been queued with the "Queue Contingent Flow" step. | Flow Management > Contingent Steps | Inputs: None Outputs: None |
Add Expected State With Sub States | This step allows users to create the Folder States and the Sub Folder States easily. | Flow Management > Sub State | Inputs: Color, State Name, Sub States Outputs: None |
Throw API Exception With Headers | Users can specify headers that are presented on an API exception, along with a custom error message and specified status code. | Flow Management > Error Handling | Inputs: Headers, Message, Status Code Outputs: None |