Advanced ZIP Step
  • 08 Sep 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Advanced ZIP Step

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Article summary


The Advanced ZIP step allows customers to create AES encrypted zipped files with a key size of 128 or 256. The following example demonstrates how to configure the Advanced ZIP step and how to download an encrypted example file for the end-user to download and access.


  1. Navigate to a Designer Folder and select CREATE FLOW from the Global Action Bar.
  2. From the Create Flow window, select and name the default Flow.
  3. In the Flow Designer, from the Toolbox > FAVORITE STEPS section, connect a Create Data step to the Start step. 
  4. In the Properties panel of the Create Data step, click SHOW EDITOR under DATA > Data to Create.
  5. In the resulting window, add the desired name for a File Data list, add a Password (String), then a FileToZip as File Data. Click Save and exit.
  6. Navigate to the List of FileData under INPUTS and make the input mapping Constant. Use the selector to add desired files.
  7. Next, change the input mapping for File To Zip to Constant and add a file.
  8. Then, make the input mapping for the Password (String) Constant and enter the password that will be used to access the files.
  9. From the Toolbox > FILE MANAGEMENT > COMPRESSION category, drag and connect a Create Zip File step to the Create Data step.
  10. In the Properties panel > INPUTS > File To Add field, change the mapping to Select From Flow and select the FileToZip. Set the Zip File Name to Constant and enter a relevant file name. 
  11. Then, from the Toolbox > FILE MANAGEMENT > COMPRESSION category, connect a Zip (Advanced) step to the last Create Zip File step.
  12. In the Properties panel > INPUTS > AES Key Size field, set the input mapping to Constant and select 256. 
    This step allows users to set the AES key size to 0, 128, or 256. 
  13. For INPUTS > Existing Zip ( Append ), change the input mapping to Select From Flow and choose a file that will be encrypted. 
  14. Then, for the INPUTS > Files to Zip, choose the Select From Flow mapping and choose the List of File Data input.
  15. Set the INPUTS > Password input to Select From Flow and select the Password string.
  16. Enter a Constant Result File Name. For this example, the Result File name will be ExFile_256Encrypt.
  17. Next, add a Show Form step from the Toolbox > FAVORITE STEPS section.
  18. In the Properties panel, click PICK OR CREATE FORM. Then click CREATE NEW. Select and name the default Form.
  19. From the Toolbox > FAVORITES section, drag and drop a Button and File Download component to the Form.
  20. With the File Download component selected, copy and paste the Data Name from the advanced Zip step's Result File Name input.
  21. In the Select Button Type drop-down menu select Button.
  22. Save and exit the Form Designer. 
  23. In the Flow Designer, navigate to the Properties panel > INPUTS > ExFile_256Encrypt and change the input mapping to Select From Flow. Select the advanced Zip step output.
  24. Connect the Show Form step to the End step.


  1. Select Debug from the top bar. Click START DEBUGGING.
  2. In the Debugger, click on the File Download button on the Form. It will begin a download.
  3. As the file is opened, the file contents will be available. Click on a file and the password created earlier in the tutorial will be required. If the password is entered incorrectly, a warning message will appear.

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