- 15 Oct 2021
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Entity Action Visibility
- Updated on 15 Oct 2021
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The Action Visibility Rule filters out Actions created in a Configuration Folder or are, by default, a part of the Action Menu. The Designer has the ability to create and hide custom and default Actions. Actions are visible by navigating to an Entity and then right-clicking to view available Actions.
This example will walk through how to create an Action Visibility Rule on an Action existing within a Folder Extension. For example purposes, this article uses the Action built on the Creating Actions for Data Types article.
- Select Action Visibility Rule in the Action Menu of a Configuration Folder.
- Name the Rule, select CREATE.
- Within the Rule Designer, in the Select Data Element drop down, expand Action, then choose Name. Select NEXT.
- Choose Equals for the Verb, select NEXT.
- Type "Create Insurance Claim" for the value of the Input. This is the name of the Action to show/hide.
- Select Add to add a new Condition.
- In the Select Data Element drop down, expand Flow Data, then choose InitiatingUserEmail.
- Choose Contains in the Pick Verb dialog.
- Type "+local" for the value of the Input. If the user's email contains "+local", this action will be hidden from the user.
When logged in with an Account that does not contain "+local" in the email address, the Create Insurance Claim Action is available to use.
After logging in with an Account containing "+local", the Create Insurance Claim Action is no longer available.