Entity Action Visibility
  • 15 Oct 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Entity Action Visibility

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Article summary


The Action Visibility Rule filters out Actions created in a Configuration Folder or are, by default, a part of the Action Menu. The Designer has the ability to create and hide custom and default Actions. Actions are visible by navigating to an Entity and then right-clicking to view available Actions.

Learn more about User Actions.


This example will walk through how to create an Action Visibility Rule on an Action existing within a Folder Extension. For example purposes, this article uses the Action built on the Creating Actions for Data Types article. 

  1. Select Action Visibility Rule in the Action Menu of a Configuration Folder.
  2. Name the Rule, select CREATE.
  3. Within the Rule Designer, in the Select Data Element drop down, expand Action, then choose Name. Select NEXT.
  4. Choose Equals for the Verb, select NEXT.
  5. Type "Create Insurance Claim" for the value of the Input. This is the name of the Action to show/hide.
  6. Select Add to add a new Condition
  7. In the Select Data Element drop down, expand Flow Data, then choose InitiatingUserEmail.
  8. Choose Contains in the Pick Verb dialog.
  9. Type "+local" for the value of the Input. If the user's email contains "+local", this action will be hidden from the user.



    When logged in with an Account that does not contain "+local" in the email address, the Create Insurance Claim Action is available to use. 


    After logging in with an Account containing "+local", the Create Insurance Claim Action is no longer available.

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