Creating Entity Events
  • 26 Jan 2022
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Creating Entity Events

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Article summary


Entity Events run a Flow when certain events occur to an Entity. Entity Events require a Data Structure with a Configuration Folder.

An example of an event could involve the saving and/or deleting of an Entity. A Flow may then run to send a notification message to a manager when a new Entity like a project quote or travel request is submitted or changed, so the manager can do a review. Another use case might be to insert an audit record into a database or directory when an Entity is deleted that records details such as who deleted the Entity. 

Type of EventsFunction
After Delete FlowA Flow runs after a 'Delete' is made to the Entity to save the changes.
After Save FlowA Flow runs to save the changes after a flow is changed.
Before Delete FlowA Flow runs before a Delete is made to an Entity to save the data.
Before Save FlowA Flow runs before a save is made to an Entity to save the data.
This type of Flow will run every time an Entity of this type is saved. Please take care to not use any save or assigned steps that could cause this Entity to be saved in a cycle. 


To create an Entity Event, first create a Data Structure that will create a Configuration Folder when it is completed. For example, an Entity Data Structure will be used. It will be called "Person will fields:

Person Entity

  1. Open the Configuration Folder and click on ENTITY EVENTS
  2. Select an After Save Flow.
  3. Within this Flow, add the Show Popup step and give the input variables some values.
  4. Afterwards save and close the Flow. 

  5. Next, create another Flow that will create the Entity records to trigger the Entity Event Flow. 
  6. Find the step to create Entities in USER DEFINED TYPES > ENTITIES > PERSON > Create
  7. Then pick a normal Folder to store the values in and set constant values to the user created data members. 
  8. Save and close the Flow.

  9. Debug the Flow and then the Entity Event Flow will trigger. 

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