The DocuSign Module
  • 22 May 2024
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The DocuSign Module

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Article summary

Module Details

Installation LocationCore Module
Requires Restart? No
Step Location Integration > Docusign
Settings Location System > Settings > Docusign Settings


The DocuSign module allows users to send documents to DocuSign for capturing electronic signatures and initials.

The module provides pre-built Flow steps that use X and Y positions on the document to mark where to sign. Additionally, it enables the use of Docusign’s Tag feature to indicate areas in the document that require signatures. 

Once a document is sent to Docusign via a Decisions workflow, the Wait On External Event step monitors Docusign so the document can be pulled back into the workflow once fully executed. 

Setting up the Module

  1. Navigate to System > Settings: Right-click DocuSign Settings and select Edit.

  2. In the Edit Docusign Settings window, fill in the necessary credentials and click  SAVE when done.
    AccountIDAPI Account ID is located in the Apps and Keys section in Settings in DocuSign
    LoginEmailUser's email to log in to DocuSign
    UserNameAPI Username; can be found under Apps and Keys section in Docusign
    IntegratorKeyIntegration Key associated with the created app in Docusign. This can be found under the Apps and Keys section in Docusign
    PasswordUser's password
    UseDemoEnvironmentEnabling this setting will send requests to Docusign's demo environment ( instead of 

  3. To find the values for the settings, navigate to Docusign in a browser and select Settings.
  4. Then navigate to Integration > Apps and Keys. The values for the AccountID, Username and Integration Key can be found here.

DocuSign Flow Steps

After the module has been installed and DocuSign settings have been configured, Flow steps will be made available to users and will be listed under INTEGRATION > DOCUSIGN. 

Deserialise DocuSign Envelope Information

The Deserialise DocuSign Envelope Information takes in XML string and will deserialize it to DocuSign Envelope Information output.

Input ParameterDescription
XMLEnvelope of a Docusign document

Get Document Status

This step retrieves the status of the DocuSign documents by outputting a String data type value. It also contains the same inputs as the Get Certificate step.

Input ParameterDescription
EnvelopeIdThe EnvelopeId is the DocuSign identifier for a group of signed or unsigned documents
Override CredentialsThis optional input allows the developer to override the DocuSign settings that were configured in the System Settings

Get Signed Documents

This step will use the same inputs as the previous step, but the output returns a list of documents.

Input ParameterDescription
EnvelopeIdThe EnvelopeId is the DocuSign identifier for a group of signed or unsigned documents
Override CredentialsThis optional input allows the developer to override the DocuSign settings that were configured in the System Settings

Send Documents For Signing

This step is used to send documents that need to be signed by a user. If the step runs successfully, an EnvelopeId will be output by the step.

Input ParameterDescription
DocumentList of documents that need to be signed
Document TitleTitle of document
Email BlurbThe input of the email message that will be sent out to the recipient
Override CredentialsThis optional input allows the Decisions Developer to override the DocuSign settings that were configured in the System Settings
RecipientsThe input expects the email address of whom the documents will be sent to
RemindersAllows a user to set reminders and document expirations
SubjectEmail subject line

For further information on Modules, visit the Decisions Forum.

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