Replace Data In Configurations (Advanced) Action
  • 19 Jul 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Replace Data In Configurations (Advanced) Action

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Article summary


The Replace Data In Configuration (Advanced) Action allows a user to replace data across all Entities in the Designer Folder instead of editing each Entity individually.

This is an advanced action that may corrupt configurations. 


For this example, a Designer Folder with a Flow, Form, and Rule were created.

  1. Add Data named Something to the Flow, Form, and Rule.
  2. The Flow should have an input named Something. This can be done by selecting Show Editor.

  3. The output is also named Something.

  4. The Form should have an input named Something, and displays the Label of the input Name Something, which can be found in the Form Controls panel.

  5. The Rule should have an input named Something, and use it in a Rule Step
  6. Do so by selecting Edit Input Data.

  7. Configure the inputs.

  8. To change this data name across all these Entities, select the Manage > Replace Data In Configuration (Advanced) Action in the Designer Folder. 

  9. In the resulting window, check the I Understand This Action Might Corrupt The Configuration check-box to acknowledge the risks.
  10. Define what Data is needed to Replace (Something).
  11. Use the With field to define the name to replace to.
  12. When finished,  click OK to apply changes. 
  13. The Flow input name, output name, Form input, label, and the data in the Rule have changed.
    The system notifies users with pop up messages on what Entities were changed.
    Note : The system does a back-up prior to performing changes.

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