Multi Select Drop Down List Component
  • 20 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Multi Select Drop Down List Component

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Article summary


The Multi-Select Drop Down control uses a list of objects as input, displays the desirable property of an object in the dropdown list on the Form, and outputs a list of selected objects.


  1. In a Designer Project, click CREATE FLOW to create a new Flow
  2. Click the Done path of the Start step. Select SHOW FORM and click ADD.
  3. On the Properties panel, click PICK OR CREATE FORM to create a new Form.
  4. In the Form Designer, navigate to the Toolbox panel and expand the DATA category. Drag and drop a Multi Select Drop Down control to the Form workspace.
  5. On the Properties panel, select String [Text] for the Type field and select Static for the List Input Source field.
  6. Under the List Items field, enter a list of values separated by pressing Enter after each one.
  7. Add a Button control (Done) to the Form.
  8. Click Save and close the Form Designer. 
  9. In the Flow Designer, connect the Done path to the End step. Click Save to save changes.


  1. On the top action bar, click Debug.
  3. Selecting items from the Multi Select Drop Down will populate them under the control. The items can be deselected by hovering over them and clicking the X icon. Click Done to close the Form.
  4. Select the Form step, select Execution 1, and select View Output Data.

For further information on Forms, visit the Decisions Forum.

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