Folder Extension CRUD Actions
  • 09 Oct 2020
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Folder Extension CRUD Actions

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Article summary

User Define Types
All the steps used for CRUD actions cannot be search for. Users will need to manually navigate to the Flow Category User Defined Types. In a default Decisions installation, it will be the last category on the bottom in the 'Steps' tool box.


This article will demonstrate using the Create, Update, and Delete Flow steps for Folder Extension Data Structures. Before continuing to the next section, create a Folder Extension Data Structure with the following field names:

DOBDate time

Since Folder Extensions are saved in Decisions, users will have to create a Normal Folder to store the created process data. For this example, create a normal folder and called "Person Folder Data." 

Do Not Store Data In The Configuration Folder
Data Structures that are a part of the Decisions Entity Framework will have a Configuration Folder. Do not store data within that folder. The Configuration Folder is meant for creating Flows, Rules, or other Designer elements to enhance that custom data structure. For more information, review the "Configuration Folder" article.


To create a record in the Person Folder Extension Data Structure

  1. Create a Flow
  2. Expand the 'User Define Types' category
  3. Expand the Folder Extension category
  4. Expand the 'Person' datatype
  5. Drag over the 'Create Person' step onto the flow canvas
  6. Connect it to the 'Start' and 'End' step
  7. Set a constant 'Parent Folder ID' 
  8. Change the 'Extension Data'  input mapping to 'Build Data'
  9. Set constant values for 'Folder Name', 'Folder Description', 'Firstname', 'Lastname', and 'DOB'

Click the 'Debug' button to run the flow. Decisions will create that record in the Person Folder Extension Structure.

Auto ID Generation
Notice that the ID was automatically created when the flow was run, even though its input value was set to ignore.


To update an existing record in a Database Structure the 'Edit Person' step will need to be used. This is found in User Defined Types -> Folder Extension -> Person. The 'Edit Person' to use this step, pass in the, Folder ID, Folder name, from a 'Fetch Entities'. Then change any one of the Data Structures value to alter its previous value.

'Edit Person' Step

Be careful Using The 'Edit' Step
If the 'Edit' step is used in to change one field, that field will be changed, and all the other fields will be set to Null or Empty.


To remove records from a  Folder Extension data structure the 'Delete Person' step found in User Defined Types -> Folder Extension -> Person.  This step will expect an Id as an input. Once an Id has been provided to it, running the flow will delete that record from the Data Structure.

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