Document Module Settings
  • 11 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Document Module Settings

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Article summary


The Document Module System Settings configures how the instance handles document interaction and storage.


Setting NameDefault ValueFunction
Audit Document InteractionFalseToggles auditing of document interaction
Max Versions To Keep10Prompts for number of different versions to save for a document.
Store InDatabaseAllows selection of where the instance stores documents. This effects any new documents after this change and does not move already stored documents between locations.

Database--Stores documents in the instance's database. For must use cases, this will more than suffice and it is the preferred setting for instances supporting multiple users and/or clustered instances.

FileSystem--Stores documents in the machine's file system. If consistently saving large files, switching to the File System may benefit.

Base Directory./DocumentsPrompts for the file path to store documents.
Warn When Total Document Repository Size ReachesFalseToggles if a warning appears when the repository reaches a certain storage size

Warn When Total Document Repository Size Reaches (MB)
0Prompts for the storage size threshold that when exceeded sends the warning
Dont Allow Documents When Total Document Size ReachesFalseToggles if the storage location still accepts additional documents after a certain storage size is reached

Dont Allow Documents When Total Document Size Reaches (MB)
0Prompts for the storage size threshold that when exceeded prevents documents from storing
Cache Documents For URL AccessTrueToggles ability to view documents via URL.

For further information on the Portal, visit the Decisions Forum.

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