Creating Custom Descriptions
  • 19 Jul 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Creating Custom Descriptions

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Article summary


A user can create custom descriptions for default or user-defined data types (for example, the Account data type) in the Decisions tool. Each data type by default has a long and short description, which may help users identify data quickly. When users set a custom description for a data type, that description will apply to all future instances of that data type.


For this example, create a custom short description for the Accounts data type. 

  1. To begin, in the Decisions tool click on a Designer Folder, then click CREATE DATA TYPES/INTEGRATIONS > Configuration Extension > Add Entity Actions and Configuration.


  2. Search for data type "Account" and click the Account [DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Services.Accounts.Account] data type.
  3. Click SAVE. An Entity Configuration Folder is added in the tool.

  4. Right-click on the Account Configuration Extension Folder and click Generate Description > Text Merge for Custom Short Description.

  5. In the Generate Custom Short Description dialog, type a name and click OK.

  6. A TextMerge designer opens. In the Properties panel, define Input Data by clicking the Add New button. 
  7. Define the Input Data Name to be "Entity" and change the Type to Account. 
  8. Click OK. Then on the left panel, expand Entity. 
  9. Under Authentication Type, hover over CreatedBy then click Add.

  10. Save and close the TextMerge designer. 
  11. Now the short description for the accounts data type will include the CreatedBy value (username of the person who created the account). 
  12. In this example use the Text Merge for Custom Short Description option. The options are:

Flow for Custom Long DescriptionLets a user create a Flow to fetch data you want to use in the long description.
Flow for Custom Short DescriptionLets a user create a Flow to fetch data you want to use in the short description.
Flow for Entity DescriptionLets a user create a Flow to fetch data you want to use in Entity description.
Text Merge for Custom Long DescriptionOpens a TextMerge designer that lets a user merge text into the long description.
Text Merge for Custom Short DescriptionOpens a TextMerge designer that lets a user merge text into the short description.
Text Merge for Entity DescriptionOpens a TextMerge designer that lets a user merge text into the Entity description.

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