Calculated Column Overview
  • 26 Aug 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Calculated Column Overview

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Article summary

Calculated Columns are Data Fields that extend Report Data by allowing the ability to incorporate other Designer Elements (e.g. Flows), get specific calculated DateTime values, to Decrypt sensitive Report Data, and more.

The table below displays each possible Calculated Column as well as its function.

Calculated ColumnFunction
AddFieldByValueAllow user to add value to selected Data Field
AddFieldsAllows the user to add two Data Fields together
CombineTextFieldsAllows the user to combine two Data Fields into one column
ConstantValueInlineFieldAllows the user to define Constant values according to the DataTypes of values such as String, Int, Decimal, Boolean, and the DateTime type. 
DivideFieldByValueAllows the user to divide a Data Field by the desired value
DivideFieldAllows the user to divide two Data Fields
EncryptedOrPIIDataFieldAllows the user to decrypt encoded data defined when creating a Data Structure
FlowInlineFieldAllows the user to define and run a Flow to perform lookups by displaying strings in a Report
GetDateAgeShow the year, month, and day duration between the selected column date and the current.
GetDateGets the current Date
GetDayofWeekGet the day of the week from the selected Data Field
GetDaysBetweenGet days difference between two dates
GetHoursBetweenGet the hours difference between two dates
GetMilliSecondsBetweenGet milliseconds difference between two dates
GetMinutesBetweenGet minutes difference between two dates
GetMonthGet the month number without year from the selected Data Field. 
GetRemainderFromFieldsGet the remainder from two Data Fields
GetSecondsBetweenGet seconds difference between two dates
GetTimesBetweenGet the time difference between two dates
GetYearGet a year from a selected Data Field
HideOldDatesAllows the user to hide or display null values from a Data Field based on the value provided in the Hide Dates Older Than field
ImageDocumentInlineFieldAllows Displaying a Document as an inline field on the Report
ImageUrlInlineFieldAllows displaying an Image as a column in a Report
LiveUpdateColumnInlineFieldDisplays the number of days, hours, or minutes that have passed based on a DateTime column. The Background and Foreground colors can be set based on a positive or negative value. Positive means time until, and negative means time that has passed.
MatchInlineFieldAdds a column where the user can put conditions to show different values on each row as desired
MatchRegexFilters the RegexPattern provided by the user for a Data Field and displays only the rows where the RegexPattern is matched
MergeTextInlineFieldProvides the Text Merge Editor where multiple Data Fields can be grouped together
MultiplyFieldByValueAllows the user to multiply the value with the selected Data Field
MultiplyFieldsAllows the user to multiply two Data Fields
OpenURLInlineFieldAllow user to construct an URL and provide a link at runtime to open that URL
PercentFieldAllows the user to calculate a percent using two Data Fields
RunFlowInlineFieldAllows the user to run a Flow from a Report
SplitCamelCaseInlineFieldReturn column data in Camel Case form
SubtractFieldByValueAllow the user to subtract values from the selected Data Field
SubtractFieldsSubtracts two selected Data Fields
TimespanTotalSecondsFieldDisplays timespan in seconds
TimespanTotalMinutesFieldDisplays timespan in minutes
TimespanConstantFormatFieldDisplays timespan in a constant format: hh\:mm\:ss
TimespanCustomFormatFieldDisplays timespan in a custom format; the default format is hh\:mm\:ss 
TruncateTextInlineFieldDisplays the shortened value of another Data Field
YesNoInlineFieldDisplays Yes or No values and can be used with a Boolean column; a Boolean column shows True or False values

For further information on Reports, visit the Decisions Forum.

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