Displaying an Uneditable Output
  • 20 Jan 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Displaying an Uneditable Output

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Article summary


Designers wishing to display fixed data to the end user that automatically populates based on Flow Data or the outputs of steps in the Flow can do so through configuring the Form's Properties. 

Use cases of this feature may include displaying the end user's name and email based off their Decisions account information in the Flow Data that cannot be edited to prevent false information. Alternatively, a Designer may wish to display the solution to a math equation as uneditable to prevent human error. 

To achieve this, the Initially Enabled and Is Editable and settings may change a control's data editability. While not every control contains the Is Editable setting, ensure these settings are set to False if present.

The Initially Enabled setting is located in Properties > Behavior. 

The Is Editable setting is found in integer controls such as the Currency and Number Boxes under Properties > Setup Data.


By default, Labels present uneditable String information so no further configuration for this goal is needed. 

To map the desired information into a Label, the Text From Data Name Check Box should be selected. Enter the name of the desired data to display in the Data Name setting exactly as named else the information will fail to display. 

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