Decisions Platform in an iFrame
  • 02 Nov 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Decisions Platform in an iFrame

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Article summary


When Decisions is installed its default Settings allow the User Portal to be opened in the iFrame within the same domain. The following document demonstrates how to enable or disable Decisions' ability to be opened in an iFrame.


  1. In Windows File Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server.
  2. As an administrator open the Settings.xml file with the preferred text editor.

  3. Use the Find feature via CTRL + F to find the line that contains EnableSingleSignOn.
  4. Add the following code and change to the desired URL to embed Decisions in.
          <Value>frame-ancestors 'self' https://*;</Value>

  5. Save and close the Settings.xml file. 
  6. Restart the Decisions instance by opening the DecisionsServerInstaller executable, and clicking RESTART SERVICE. 
The restart process may differ depending on the type of Environment in use. For additional aid in Restarting Decisions, see: How to Restart the Decisions Application. 

Each browser has different compatibility with these settings. To verify that the browser will honor the desired setting, refer to the Browser Compatibility chart on Mozilla’s website by using the following link: Mozilla's X-Frame Options

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