- 21 Dec 2021
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Data Step Glossary
- Updated on 21 Dec 2021
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The following article details all steps found in the Data category in the Step Toolbox.
Location | Step Name | Description | Inputs/Outputs |
Data | Cast Object To Type | The Cast Object to Type step acts as a method that allows users to convert an object in Decisions to a Defined Data Structure. The step takes in the object via the Source Object Input, and chooses which type(s) to convert to via the Type to Try drop down. The step provides at least two paths: one for where the object returns a resulting match and subsequent conversion, and one where the path does not return results and fails. This step will only map an object to its generic Data Type and not a type containing the same fields. | Inputs: Source Object (Object) Outputs: String Result (String) |
Create Data | The Create Data component can be used to create or copy data objects (or lists of objects). Another useful application for the step is for error handling. A true/false flag can be set when an error occurs. | Inputs: Data To Create (PlaceholderData[]) Outputs: "Done" | |
Compare Two Objects | The Compare Two Objects step allows users to analyze two different data objects in a Flow. The step takes in the values and then evaluates whether or not their values are null and produces three separate outcome paths; a Done path, a path for when Item 1 is null, and a path for when Item 2 is null. | Inputs: Item 1, Item 2 Outputs: Results | |
Generate Guid | Generates an alpha-numeric, globally unique identifier (GUID) that can be used as the primary 'id' for any structure. Generated GUIDs will be delimited with dashes of segment lengths 8-4-4-4-12, for a total of 32 characters. | Inputs: None Outputs: Guid (String) | |
Data > Advanced | Get Property Names On Object | The Get Property Names on Object step Outputs a List of String values for the Name of each Property of a Target Object. Note that the Target Input must be mapped dynamically and cannot be Constant mapped on the step itself. | Inputs: Target Outputs: GetPropertyNamesOnObject1_Output |
Get Property On Object | The Get Property On Objects step is used to Output the Value of the designated Property of an Object. The step contains the following Inputs: Property Path - a String value that determines which Property Value is Output by the step. Target - an Object Input that designates where the Property value is sourced from. Note that the Target value must be dynamically mapped via Select From Flow/sourced from outside of the step. | Inputs: Property Path, Target Outputs: GetPropertyOnObject1_Output | |
Get To String Value | The Get To String Value step is used to convert a Target Object into a String Value. As the Value Input obtains its context and definition from an Object, the Input must be dynamically mapped from outside of the step. This source may be a Create Data step or via any other step's Output. | Inputs: Value Outputs: GetToStringValue1_Output | |
Get Type Full Name | The Get Type Full Name step Outputs a String value for the Full Name value of a Target Object's DataType. For example. mapping an Account Object to the step, outputs "DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Services.Accounts.Account". Note that the Target Input must be mapped dynamically outside of the step. For example, from a Create Data step or the Start step's Input Data. | Inputs: Value Outputs: GetTypeFullName1_Output | |
Get Type Name | The Get Type Name step Outputs a String value of the Target Object's Type Name. For example, mapping an Account Object to the step would Output the String "Account". Note that the Target Input must be mapped dynamically from outside of the step. | Inputs: Value Outputs: GetTypeName1_Output | |
Set Property On Object | The Get Type Name step Outputs a String value of the Target Object's Type Name. For example, mapping an Account Object to the step would Output the String "Account". Note that the Target Input must be mapped dynamically from outside of the step. | Inputs: Value Outputs: GetTypeName1_Output | |
Data > Advanced > Data Pair | Create Logical Data Pair | The Create Logical Data Pair step is used to create a Data Pair that consists of a logical (Boolean) value and a name. The step takes in the value Input in the form of Boolean value (which is denoted via checkbox), and the name Input is defined via String value. The step combines these two values together and Outputs a DataPair value. | Inputs: Name, Value Outputs: DataPair |
Create Number Data Pair | The Create Number Data Pair step is used to create a Data Pair made up of a name and a numerical value. The name is Input on the step via String value, and the value is Input in the form of a Decimal value. The step combines these values and Outputs them as a DataPair value. | Inputs: Name, Value Outputs: DataPair | |
Create Object Data Pair | The Create Object Data Pair is used to make a Data Pair consisting of a specified data object and a name. The step takes in value Input in the form of a user-specified data type, and the name Input as a String value. The step then compiles these values and Outputs a DataPair object that can be used in the Flow Designer. | Inputs: Name, Value Outputs: DataPair | |
Create String Data Pair | The Create String Data Pair step is used to make a Data Pair consisting of a String value and a name. Both the value and name Inputs are taken in via String value. These values are compiled into a DataPair Output. | Inputs: Name, Value Outputs: DataPair | |
Data Pair To Object | The Data Pair To Object step is used to map a list of Data Pairs to a user-defined Object. To do so, the user maps in the Data Pair List via the Data Pair Input, and maps the target Object to the Target Input. The Source Names Input is used to determine which Properties will be Output and Destination Names is used to determine which Properties the Data Pair gets mapped into. These values' order must match each other. This step can be helpful for use in conjunction with HubSpot API steps to map a Data Pair to a Contact or Company information value. | Inputs: Data Pairs, Destination Names, Source Names, Target. Outputs: None | |
Object Properties To Data Pairs | The Object Properties to Data Pairs step makes a List of Data Pairs based on the properties of a user-defined Object. The user Inputs the Object via the o Input; the step then converts the properties of that chosen object, into a List of Data Pairs. | Inputs: Object Outputs: List of DataPair | |
Data > Cache | Put In Cache | Used to place value in memory for a defined time. "Cache Instant Name" can be any desired name to associate with the cache. "Cache Type Name" can be default Decisions cache or a custom cache found under System >Administration > Cache. "Key" will be the key by which the Cache will be accessible. "Value" is the data that will be stored. | Inputs: Key, Cache Type Name, Cache Instance Name, Value (String). Outputs: "Done" |
Data > Dates | Add Days | Allows users to configure DateTime value. Adds set number of days to the configured start date. | Inputs: SourceDate (DateTime), Days (Int32). Outputs: Output (DateTime) |
Add Mins From Now | This step takes in an Integer and Outputs a DateTime value. It adds minutes to the current time, determined at Flow execution time. | Inputs: Mins (Int32). Outputs: Output (DateTime) | |
Get Current Date | The Get Current Date component fetches the current Date Time value and Outputs it as a result. | Inputs: None Outputs: Output (DateTime) | |
Data > Documents | Add Image to Word Doc | The Add Image to Word Doc component takes in both an image file and Word document and inserts the image in accordance with the user defined parameters. | Inputs: Word Document, Image (FileData), Image Size Preference (ImageSizePreference), Choose Values at Runtime (ChooseValuesAtRuntime), Add Image at Bookmark (AddImageAtBookmark). Outputs: Word Document Result (FileData) |
Convert Document | This step accepts a PDF, DOCX, or XLSX files as a FileData Input. The Input file can be converted to another file type. Note that a file cannot be converted to its present type, and that PDF and DOCX files may lose some of their formatting when converted to XLSX. | Inputs: Document (FileData). Outputs: ConvertedDocument (FileData) | |
Data > HTML | HTML to Word Document | The Html to Word Document Flow component takes in a string of HTML and a file name as Input data and Outputs either a Word Document formatted form of the HTML or results in an error message. If an error occurs while the step is converting, the step will route down the error path. | Inputs: FileName, Name (String), Get HTML From File (Boolean). Outputs: Doc File (FileData) |
Data > Numbers | Add | Sums two supplied number values and outputs a decimal result. | Inputs: Value1 (Decimal), Value2 (Decimal) Outputs: Add1_Output |
Divide | Finds the quotient of two supplied number values. The "value" input is the dividend and the "by Value" input is the divisor. The output of this step is of the decimal type. | Inputs: By Value (Decimal), Value (Decimal) Outputs: Divide1_Output | |
Average | The Average component takes in a list of decimals and outputs a single decimal representing the average of the values passed in. | Inputs: Values (List of Decimal) Outputs: Average1_Output | |
Equals (Number) | Compares two number values to determine whether or not they're equivalent. This can compare numbers of different types (i.e. Integers & decimals). A boolean value of true or false is the result. | Inputs: Value1 (Decimal), Value2 (Decimal) Outputs: None | |
Greater Than (Number) | Compares two number values and determines whether or not the first value is higher than the second value. | Inputs: Value1 (Decimal), Value2 (Decimal) Outputs: None | |
Get Random Int | The Get Random Int component generates a random integer smaller than the defined max. | Inputs: Max (Int32) Outputs: GetRandomInt1_Output | |
Greater Than Or Equal To | The Greater than or Equal to component takes in two decimals and checks if the first is greater than or equal to the second. It results in the appropriate answer of true or false. | Inputs: Value1 (Decimal), Value2 (Decimal) Outputs: None | |
Less Than (Number) | Compares two number values and outputs a true boolean if the first value is lower than the second value. | Inputs: Value1 (Decimal), Value2 (Decimal) Output: None | |
Number Ranges | The Number Ranges component allows the user to define ranges with parameters that each have a unique outcome path. A single number is passed into the step and it will navigate down the first range path that the number applies to. | Inputs: Number To Evaluate (Double) Number Ranges | |
Subtract | This step takes in two numbers: "from Value" and "subtract Value". The "subtract Value" is subtracted from the "from Value" and the step returns a single number which is the of this result of this calculation. | Inputs: From Value (Decimal), Subtract Value (Decimal) Outputs: Subtract1_Output | |
Data > PDF | Get PDF Form Fields | The Get PDF Forms Fields step is used to pull the specified PDF Field Definition(s) into a Flow. The step does so by taking in the user Input PDF File and evaluating the PDF Fields Definitions Input. Within the Edit PDF Fields Definitions panel, users Input one of the PDF file's For Field's Names in the Name Input and select the Type of data being pulled from the Field via the drop down selector. The step Outputs the select Field(s) value. The PDF Field Definition MUST match the definitions present in the PDF file, to progress in the Flow and Output data. | Inputs: PDF File Outputs: None |
Set PDF Form Fields Dynamic | Pass in a list of DataPairs where the name is the field name, and the value is an object, and get a PDF FileData object to download/store. | Inputs: PDF File, Field Data Outputs: PDF File | |
Set PDF Form Fields Dynamic | Pass in a list of DataPairs where the name is the field name, and the value is an object, and get a PDF FileData object to download/store. | Inputs: PDF File, Field Data Outputs: PDF File | |
Data > Text | Strip Characters | The Strip Characters step Outputs a String value that removes the specified character(s) listed in the Chars To Strip Input which takes the Chars data type. The Case Insensitive Boolean toggles case sensitivity of the Chars To Strip Input while the Input is the original String Value. | Inputs: Case Insensitive (Boolean), Chars To Strip (Chars[]), Input (String) Outputs: StripCharacters1_Output (String) |