Create Tile Data
  • 29 Oct 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Create Tile Data

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Article summary


In version 6.12 and newer, the Create Tile Data is a Flow step used in Tile Flows for Pages. This Tile step is different from the Create Tile Return step because it contains no Tile Type Name drop-down list. The Create Tile Data step instead has a series of inputs called Lines. By default, there are five line inputs, but additional line inputs can be configured for the step if needed. This step also gives users more control over the styling of the Tile through the use of the Advanced Styling checkbox; those settings will inform the step to accept a CSS class from a CSS file.

Create Tile Data Settings

Setting NameFunction
Advanced Configuration CheckboxAllows for additional configuration on Line text in regards to the number of lines, font, alignment, text behavior, or icon
LinesVariables that expect String type data to be placed
Tile Action Type
Enables the Page Tile as an action that performs the selected function such as open a URL, navigate to the Portal, etc.
Advanced Styling CheckboxAllows users to further customize the style of the Tile; custom CSS styling sheets can be selected and used here

The specific custom CSS styling sheets must be marked by the user as Tile CSS in the System > Designers > Css folder, otherwise the sheets will not be displayed for selection

The Advanced Configuration button allows the Designer to add more than five Lines via the Build Array input mapping.

By default, five Lines are available to the Designer that can be static or dynamically populated by Tile data via Select From Flow input mapping.

The available Tile Action Types are as follows:
Action NameFunction
URLDesignates then navigates to the chosen URL
Navigate to PortalDesignates then navigates to chosen Page or Folder by ID
EntityActionsDesignates then performs chosen Entity Action onto chosen Entity by ID
RunFlowDesignates then initiates chosen Flow by ID
PushDataToControlsDesignates then moves Tile Data to chosen Form Controls via Bus Name and Bus Value

The Styles section offer the following customization options:
Setting NameFunction
Background ColorCustomizes the background color of the Tile
Border ColorCustomizes the border color of the Tile
Border WidthCustomizes the width of the border on the Tile
Content Horizontal AlignmentAligns the content on the Tile horizontally
Content Vertical AlignmentAligns the content on the Tile vertically
Corner RadiusCustomizes e the curve in the corners of the Tile


  1. To begin, navigate to CREATE FORM in the bottom action panel.
  2. In the Create Form window, navigate to the Page/Dashboard section and select and name the default Page [Create Tile Data]. Click CREATE.
  3. In the Page Designer, drag a Simple Tile component from the Page Elements > Tiles category onto the Page. 
  4. In the Properties panel of the Simple Tile component, under Common Properties > Flow, select Create. 
  5. In the Create New Flow window, name the new Flow [Create Tile Data], then click CREATE.
  6. In the Flow Designer, the Create Tile Data step is already connected by default.
    For this example, various inputs will be put into the TILE SETUP > Line 1-5 value fields, each of the fields will have a Constant input mapping. The inputs are as follows, respectively: 12, Testing, Testing 1.0, Random, and Tested.

  7. Select the End step of the Flow, configure Properties > Inputs > Tile Data to an input mapping of Select From Flow, and select Tile Data, the output of the Create Tile Data step.
  8. Save and Close this Flow.
  9. In the Page Designer, select Preview from the Top Action Bar to view the new Tile.

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