Controlling Assignment Notification Types for Server
  • 05 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Controlling Assignment Notification Types for Server

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Article summary


When a user is assigned a task, the system sends a notification containing task details to the user. 

Notification methods include Email, Popup, SMS message, Flow, or Twitter. The system can send a notification using one of multiple. or multiple methods. By default, users receive an Email notification and a Popup message in the Portal to notify of task assignment.

The following example demonstrates how to change the Default Notification settings upon user assignment.


  1. From the Studio, navigate to System > Administration > Notifications > Default Notifications.
  2. In the Report, right-click [Notification] Notify To Assigned, then select Edit
  3. In the Edit Notification window, under Notification Modes, toggle the desired Notification types by clicking their respective checkbox. 
  4. Once the desired modes have been selected, click SAVE.

For further information on Settings, visit the Decisions Forum.

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