Chart Settings Glossary
  • 14 Dec 2021
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Chart Settings Glossary

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Article summary


Charts offer Designers a clean, visually appealing method of displaying data in a Dashboard. Through a variety of settings, Charts are highly customizable with their presentation. This article covers every setting prompted by Charts in a Page found in their Properties tab. 

This includes shared settings and specific settings for the following Page components:

  • Area Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Mixed Bar Chart
  • Simple Bar Chart
  • Stacked Bar Chart
  • Bullet Chart
  • Bubble Chart
  • Columns Chart
  • Dots Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Ring Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Win/Loss Chart.

Shared Chart Settings

The following settings appear in most Charts types. Settings exclusively found in specific Charts are discussed in the following subsections.

Setting LocationSetting NameDefault ValueSetting Description
Chart DataModeUse Report SubtotalsSelects the source of the chart's data

Use Report Subtotals--Uses Reports as the source of the chart's data

Use Matrix--Uses Reports with the Matrix view as the source of the chat's data

Source--Selects which Report is the source

Use Flow--Uses a Data Flow as the source of the chart's data

Pick or Create Data Flow--Selects which Data Flow is the source
Chart SettingsTitleblankPrompts Designer to name the chart
Show TitleFalseToggles Title visibility
Chart LabelsNameSelects which data field is the label for the chart; refreshes Chart upon new selection

Name--Displays the Name string value for each data type represented 

Name and Value--Displays the Name string value and the Value int value for each data type represented 

Value--Displays the Value int value for each data type represented 

None--Displays no labels
Show data buttonDisabledToggles appearance of Show Data button when viewing the chart
Specify Step ValueDisabledToggles editing of the Values (X) axis integer values (ex: presence of decimal values)

Step Value0Edits number of integers for each value on the Values (X) axis (ex: setting Step Value to 1 will remove decimals)
Shorten Long Axis Labels (Bars)DisabledToggles maximum length of the axis label bars

Maximum Label Length10Prompts maximum character length to the Value int value
Use Custom ColorsDisabledToggles use of Designer specified custom colors

User Defined Colors--Allows selection of custom colors
Base Colors--Allows selection of pre-defined colors
Show TooltipsEnabledToggle tooltip visibility that appears when hovering over a chart member

Tooltip TypeName and ValueSelects what data is shown in a tooltip

Name and Value--Displays both the Name string value and Value int value in the tooltip

Name--Displays the Name string value in the tooltip

Value--Displays the Value int value in the tooltip
Stack DisplayDisabledToggles stacking series of the same chart (ex: On a Bar Chart, this looks similar to a Stacked Bar chart)
Set Minimum Value DisabledToggles a minimum value for chart member visibility

Minimum Value0Prompts Value int value to set as minimum; chart members below this will not appear
Set Maximum ValueDisabledToggles a maximum value for chart member visibility

Maximum Value0Prompts Value int value to set as maximum; chart members above this will not appear
Change Label OrientationDisabledToggles ability to rotate orientation of the Entries (Y) axis

Label Angle0Prompts int value as the degrees to rotate the labels (0-90°)
Show Element LabelsDisabledToggle visibility of labels within a chart member's element (ex: number labels within bars in a Bar Chart)
SortingNoneDisplays chart members in the selected sorting order

None--No sorting on chart members

Value Ascending--Sorts chart members in an ascending order by value

Value Descending--Sorts chart members in a descending order by value

Label Ascending--Sorts chart members in an ascending order by their label names

Label Descending--Sorts chart members in a descending order by their label names
Take First CountblankDisplays the specified top number of chart members according to
Entries Axis LegendblankPrompts to name the Entries (Y) axis of the chart
Values Axis LegendblankPrompts to name the Values (X) axis of the chart
Chart Settings > DownloadShow Data TableDisabledToggles availability of a downloadable Excel/PDF file of the chart shown when viewing its report under Settings (gear icon) > Actions > Download/Send Report (printer icon)
Chart Settings > Legend SettingsLegend PositionOffSelects if a legend appears for the chart and where

North--Places a legend at the top of the chart

South--Places a legend at the bottom of the chart

East--Places a legend at the right of the chart

West--Places a legend at the left of the chart

Off--No legend appears
Chart Settings > Number FormatsLabel FormatNumberSelects format of the Values (X) axis

Fixed--Formats the Values (X) axis to a fixed amount based on the data's integers and the Precision setting (ex: Number data in the hundreds with the Precision set to 2 will display the fixed value pattern 200,400,600, etc)

Number--Formats the Values (X) axis to numbers

Percent--Formats the Values (X) axis to percent

Currency--Formats the Values (X) axis to currency
Precision2Selects spacing between Values (X) axis labels between 0-9 or default
Tooltip FormatFixedSelects format of the tooltip

Formats the tooltip to the data's data type

Formats the tooltip to a number

Formats the tooltip to a percent

Formats the tooltip to currency
Override Drill Down Dialog TitleDisabledToggles prompt for a custom name for the drill-down dialog title
Override Drill Down Report TitleDisabledToggles prompt for a custom name for the Report Viewer control shown on the drill-down dialog
Show Loading IndicatorEnabledToggles loading indicator visibility
Loading Indicator TextLoading...Prompts for text to appear as the loading indicator
Behavior ViewData Drill ViewDataSelects view of the Data Drill window accessible when clicking on a chart member to view its Report

Data--Formats the Data Drill View as a Report data table

Rich Text--Formats the Data Drill View as a Rich Text List (more spacing and formatting)

Text List--Formats the Data Drill View as a Text List (less spacing and formatting)
Auto RefreshDisabledToggles if chart refreshing automatically on a specified schedule

Refresh Time0Selects automatic refresh time from seconds to days
Refresh on Current Folder ChangeEnabledToggles refreshing data upon a change detected to the current folder defined as a data source for the chart
Refresh on Any Folder ChangeDisabledToggles refreshing data upon a change detected to any folder defined as a data source for the chart
Refresh on Contained Entity ChangeDisabledRefreshes when an entity changes which update the chart
Minimum Refresh Interval5 secondsSelects minimum refresh interval for the chart
Update on selection bus changeDisabledUpdates chart upon selection bus change
Report Update for FolderEnabledToggles refreshing the chart when the data source's Folder experiences a change or update
Report Key Update For FolderDisabledToggles refreshing the chart when the data source's Folder experiences a key change or update
Report Key UpdateDisabledToggles refreshing the chart when the chart experiences a change or update

Bubbles Chart Specific Settings

The following settings are exclusively found in Bubbles Charts.

Setting LocationSetting NameDefault ValueDefinition
Chart Settings > Bubbles SettingsMinimum Point Size12Prompts minimum size of all bubbles within the chart
Maximum Point Size50Prompts maximum size of all bubbles within the chart

Bullets Chart Specific Settings

The following settings are exclusively found in Bullets Charts.

Setting LocationSetting NameDefault ValueDefinition
Chart SettingsTarget Value0Prompts target value for each chart member.
Ok Value0Prompts value to reach 'Satisfactory' range; must be smaller than the Good value
Good Value0Prompts value to reach 'Good' range
Bullet TypesPositiveMoreSelects bullet types

Positive More--Orients positive chart members' data to start at the minimum value

Positive Less--Orients negative chart members' data to start at minimum value

Negative More--Orients positive chart members' data to start at the maximum value

Negative Less--Orients negative chart members' data to start at the maximum value
Bullet Label FormatNumberSelects format of bullet labels

Number--Formats the bullet labels as numbers

Percent--Formats the bullet labels as percent
Minimum0Prompts minimum value of ranges in the chart; does not change the Values (X) axis
Maximum0Prompts maximum value of ranges in the chart; does not change the Vales (X) axis
Bullet LayoutHorizontalSelects orientation of the bullets

Horizontal--Orients the bullets horizontally

Vertical--Orients the bullets vertically
Bullet Title PositionBeforeSelects placement of the bullet titles

Before--Orients the bullet titles before the bullets aka to the left

After--Orients the bullet titles after the bullets aka to the right
Range ColorsNoneSelects color of the bullet range on the chart
  • The first color chosen edits the 'Poor' range.
  • The second color chosen edits the 'Satisfactory' range.
  • The third color chosen edits the 'Good' range.
Measure ColorsNoneSelects color of the bullet measures on the chart.
  • The first color chosen edits the 'Poor' measure.
  • The second color chosen edits the 'Satisfactory' measure.
  • The third color chosen edits the 'Good' measure.
  • The fourth color chosen edits measures that exceed the target value.
Marker ColorsNoneSelects color for the target value marker

Pie and Ring Chart Specific Settings

The following settings are exclusively found in Pie Charts and Ring Charts.

Setting LocationSetting NameDefault ValueDefinition
Chart Settings > Pie SettingsPie Label PositionOutsideSelects placement of the labels of each chart member

Inside--Places chart members' labels outside of the pie/ring

Outside--Places chart members' labels inside the pie/ring
Pie Slices Have BorderDisabledToggles appearance of border between each chart member

Pie Slices Border ColorBlackSelects color of the borders
Render as Donut (Pie only)DisabledToggles pie chart to appear as a donut, similar to the Ring Chart

Win-Loss Bars Chart Specific Settings

The following settings are exclusively found in Win-Loss Bars Chart.

Setting LocationSetting NameDefault ValueDefinition
Chart SettingsThreshold Value0Prompts value threshold that divides data between a loss or win state
Win LabelWinPrompts label for the win state in the chart
Loss LabelLossPrompts label for the loss state in the chart

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