• 16 Mar 2022
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The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Module allows users to manage files on the AWS S3 cloud-based storage. 

The AWS module provides pre-built Flow steps that allow users to store or delete files on the Amazon S3 file storage system found in the Flow Designer via Toolbox > Integration > Amazon AWS > S3.

For steps requiring the Region input, use the region code instead of the region name. Region codes can be found in AWS documentation.

Step NameDescriptionInputs/Outputs
Create FolderThe Create Folder step generates a Folder in Amazon S3 for file storage.
Inputs: Bucket (String), Folder (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: N/A
Delete File From S3The Delete File From S3 removes the specified file from Amazon S3.
Inputs: Bucket Name (String), Key (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: N/A
Get ClientThe Get Client step grabs client information based on the region then outputs it.
Inputs: Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: GetClient1_Output (Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client)
Get File ContentsThe Get File Contents step grabs file information of a specified file then outputs it.
Inputs: Bucket Name (String), File Name (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: GetFileContents1_Output (Byte[])
Get File From S3 And Store AtThe Get File From S3 And Store At step retrieves a file from S3 and stores it in the location specified in the Local File to Store input.
Inputs: Bucket Name (String), File Name (String), Local File To Store (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Output: N/A
List ObjectsThe List Objects step lists the Objects in the specified Amazon S3 bucket then outputs them.
Inputs: Bucket Name (String)
Outputs: ListObjects1_Output (S3ObjectData[])
List Objects with Text PrefixThe List Objects with Text Prefix step lists the objects in Amazon S3 with the specified text prefix.
Inputs: Bucket Name (String), Prefix (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: ListObjectswithTextPrefix1_Output (S3ObjectData[])
Put File in S3 From File LocationThe Put File In S3 From File Location step adds a file to S3 from a specified local file storage location.
Inputs: Bucket Name (String), File Name To Store (String), Path To File on Workflow Server (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: PutFileInS3FromFileLocation1_Output (String)
Put File in S3 From File Location with ACLThe Put File In S3 From File Location With ACL step takes a file with ACL from its specified location and moves it into the specified S3 bucket.
Inputs: ACL (S3CannedACLWrapper), Bucket Name (String), File Name To Store (String), Path To File on Workflow Server (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: PutFileInS3FromFileLocationWithACL1_Output (String)
Put File in S3 with ACLThe Put File In S3 With ACL step sets ACL permissions on a specified file in the specified S3 bucket.
Inputs: ACL (S3CannedACLWrapper), Bucket Name (String), File (String), File Name to Store (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: PutFileInS3WithACL1_Output (String)
Put File in S3The Put File In S3 step adds a specified file to the specified S3 bucket.
Inputs: Bucket Name (String), File (String), File Name to Store (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: PutFileInS31_Output (String)
Set ACLOn FileThe Set ACL On File step sets ACL permissions on a specified file.

To find the canonical user ID, refer to AWS Documentation.
Inputs: Bucket Name (String), Canonical User ID (String), File Name (String), Permissions To Set (S3PermissionWrapper[]), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: N/A
Set Canned ACLOn FileThe Set Canned ACL On File sets the chosen canned ACL wrapper via the ACL To Set input on a specified file via the File Name input.
Inputs: ACL To Set (S3CannedACLWrapper), Bucket Name (String), File Name (String), Region (AmazonAWSRegion)
Outputs: N/A

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