Auto Complete Assigned Form
  • 28 May 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Auto Complete Assigned Form

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Article summary


This tutorial demonstrates how to use Auto Complete configurations for the Assigned Forms. With the Auto Complete setting, there is the option to configure a Time Span for the Assignment. When the specified Time span has passed, the Auto Complete Flow triggers and the Assignment completes with designed outcomes.


  1. Begin in the Designer Folder and select CREATE FLOW on the Folder Actions Panel. 
  2. Give the Flow a Name and select CREATE to proceed to the Flow Designer.
  3. In the Flow Designer, add the Show Form step from the Favorite Steps category.
  4. Name the Form and select CREATE to proceed to the Form Designer.

  5. The Form is designed with two Buttons named Denied and Approved
  6. When finished, save and close the Form Designer to return to the Flow Designer.

  7. In the Flow Designer, connect both outcomes from the Show Form step to the End step in the Flow.
  8. Then, select the Show Form step on the workspace and change the Assignment Type from InSession to Assigned under Assignment Type.
  9. Each assigned Form has to have at least one assignee. Select Assignment Type to define an assignee for this Form.
  10.  After the assignee has been selected, name the Assignment and name the Assignment Action
  11. Choose Constant and enter a given name or select from the options given when clicking next to Assignment Name and Assignment Action Name. 
  12. Select save and close the Assignment window.

  13. Locate the Auto Complete section in the Show Form step configurations and check the Auto Complete check box.
  14. Under Scenarios [Additional Outcomes for AutoComplete]:Add New adds a new outcome Path for the Assignment to be automatically completed. 
  15. Under Check Time Span, define a time span after which the Auto Complete Flow will be triggered. 
  16. For example, set the Time Span to be 5 seconds. This means that if the Assignment is not completed in 5 seconds, it will be auto completed with the Auto Complete Flow.
  17. Select Add New under Scenarios [Additional Outcomes for AutoComplete].

  18. In the Add Scenarios dialog, name the outcome path. Developers can define the parameters for this Outcome Path by selecting Add New. 
  19. Select OK to close the dialog. 

  20. Under Auto Complete Flow, select Edit.
  21. The Auto Complete Flow has as many End steps as there are outcomes from the Assigned Form. 
  22. In this Flow, developers can implement any logic to handle the auto complete process for the Assignment.
  23. Connect the Start step to the AssignedFormNotComplete End step. 
  24. Save the Flow and close the Auto Complete Flow Designer.


  1. Select Debug on the Top Panel of the Flow Designer to test the Flow. 
  2. The Form gets Assigned.
  3. Close the Form without completing it. Notice in the Debugger that after 5 seconds the Assigned Form is Auto Completed.

  4. Back in the Flow Designer, change the Time Span for Auto Complete to a longer time.

  5. Save and close the Flow Designer. 
  6. Run the Flow in the Designer Folder. When the Form is assigned, select No
  7. Navigate to the Inbox Folder and see the Assignment is still available to complete as the Auto Complete time has not passed yet.

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