Searching the Decisions Environment
  • 10 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Searching the Decisions Environment

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Article summary

Decisions include a powerful search engine to find all the entities from all the locations. The search engine returns the results in the following format:

EntityName [Location]          EntityType

Users can perform various Actions on the search results list. Action Menu will be specific to the element that is selected.

For example, right-clicking on a Flow in the search results will show standard Flow actions (Edit, Run, Preview, Manage, etc.). Left-clicking on an item in the search results will redirect the user to that item.

Decisions also supports Full-Text Search.

Starting in v9.2 the Portal Search received a massive upgrade in functionality.

Recent searches appear when clicking the search bar. The last ten searches will appear. This feature is available to all users no matter their permission level.

Admin and Designer Users can apply Filters on the Portal Search. Clicking the All Types option allows users to search only for specific kinds of Designer Elements - such as Flows or Reports.

Admin and Designer Users can also specify which Project to perform a search in by pressing the All Projects filter.

Beginning in v9.5 Users will experience a new, powerful, search tool with Advanced Search. After conducting a search, the Advanced Search option will appear at the bottom of the search window.

From the Advanced Search Results screen users have several options for viewing results.

Filter NameDescription
Entity Name The search term the current search is using.
ProjectThe Project the search will occur within. This filter defaults to the Project the User is currently searching within, but can be changed to pick any Project within the environment. Pressing the X on this filter means the search will look in all Projects.
TypeThis filter will look for entities of a certain Designer Element Type.
Modified ByThis will search for entities that were changed by a specific user.
Modified BetweenUsers can set a date range for when the entity was last modified.
Created BetweenUsers can set a date range for when the result was created.

Search within a Folder

Users can search all the entities within a folder by clicking the search button above the Report header. To search, sort, and filter all the entities within a folder, users can refer to a detailed article on Report Filtering Options During Runtime.

Search by Tag

A Tag labels different entities, such as documents, Reports, Designer Elements, etc., to make them easily searchable or quickly identifiable. For more information, refer to Tagging Overview.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task
Many enhancements to Portal Search.9.2August 2024[DT-040241]
Added Advanced Search.9.5November 2024[DT-042852]

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