Report Properties
  • 22 Oct 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Report Properties

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Article summary

Reports are Designer Elements that collect, filter, organize, and display data. The way a Report displays data can be configured through the Properties panel in the Report Designer. 

The following article details the settings of a Report and how the different functions affect the data being displayed.


Default ViewSets the default view for the data based on Views selected by the user.
Audit ReportShows the user when the Report was executed and what filters are applied if Runtime Filters are enabled. Allows the user to audit Report execution data that will be available in the System > Administration > Auditing folder. The Default option means that the value of Audit Settings  > Enable Audit for Report Executions will be respected.
Include Deleted RowsIncludes data from previously deleted rows in the Report
Excel Default TemplateThe user can create templates in the System > Designers > Report Output > Templates folder, and this template can be used in the Report Designer to download Report data as a PDF or an Excel file.
Hide Default OutputHides the default output for the Report
Output HandlersAllows the user to create output handler Flows that use the Report's data.
Override Drill Down Dialog Title
Updates the Dialog Title for the Drill Down window. The Drill-Down window can be opened from Views, including Tiles, Matrix, or Charts.
Override Drill Down Report Title
Updates the Report Title that is shown in the Drill Down window. The Drill Down window can be opened from Views, including Tiles, Matrix, or Charts.
Override Display of Null Values
When enabled, if a cell value is null, custom text can be defined and displayed for the field.
Row Selection Configuration

Select Row From Parameter
Enabled allows passing a selected Report row within a Page's URL parameters. This is defined in the Parameter Name and Match Value With Column fields.

Parameter NameThis is the parameter name as displayed in the URL

Match Value With ColumnThis setting will match the Parameter Name to a corresponding Data Field column.


Override Action ContextWhen enabled, allows the user to configure data-specific actions to Report data.

Action Context TypeThe selected action type will override the actions on a Report.

Action Context ID FieldThe ID field is used to tie the action to the Report.
Group Action BehaviorThis setting determines how Group Actions will be displayed on the Report. 

DynamicWhen selecting multiple line items, this setting allows the user to customize the grouping actions. This is the default setting.

FlowIf selected, the user can create Flows used for Group Actions. An additional input to select Flows can be found under Flow Group Actions.

Flow Group ActionsDefines the Flows used for Group Actions.
Show Actions On Right Click
If enabled, allows the user to run actions by right-clicking a Row.
Show Actions On Left Click
If enabled, allows the user to run actions on the left by clicking a Row

Calendar View

Select Calendar ProvidersAllows the user to select how the Calendar View will display the information
Primary Calendar ProviderThis option tells the Report to display the information at the time it is scheduled for
Specify Calendar TimelineAllows the user to specify a Timeline to show in the Calendar mode
Max Number Of Event In CellAllows the user to specify the number of events shown in the cell. A' Show More' link will display if the given number to the property is less than the number of events. Selecting the link will display other events.

Colors and Icon

Colors and Icon RulesEnables the user to create a Rule to evaluate data in a Row and add color or an icon to the row when the conditions of the Rule are met

Grid View

Show Group Field NameThis displays the grouping column field name on the grouping row.

DefaultThis option respects the values of Designer Studio Settings.

NeverThis option will never show the grouping column filed name or row.

Not On Single GroupingThis option will only show the Grouping column filed name when there is multi-level grouping.

AlwaysThis option will always display the grouping column field name and row.
Grid Settings Type

DefaultThe Default Grid settings for a Report as defined in Designer Studio Settings

SpecifiedIf selected, the user can specify values displayed on the grid for a Report. When this setting is enabled, additional options that apply to the Grid View will appear.
Icon Type
Required Grid Settings Type to be Specified along with a configured Icon Rule. This setting determines what Icon will be displayed based on results from the Rule.

NoneNo icon will be displayed if selected based on the Icon rule results.

CircleIf selected, a circle icon will be displayed based on the results from the Icon rule.

Ghost CircleIf selected, an empty circle icon will be displayed based on the results from the Icon rule.

ImageIf selected, an image will be displayed based on the results from the Icon rule.
EditableEnables the end-user to edit the Report.
Row Left/Right Click Action Type
Two settings control what actions occur on the Report based on the left or right click.

Show SliderDisplays the Slider when the Report row is clicked

Show ActionsDisplays the action context menu based on the data type used as a source for the Report.

Default ActionExecutes the action as defined in Designer Studio Settings.

No ActionIf selected, no action will run based on the left/right click.
Selected Rows StyleThis property selects the different styles to indicate the selected row. The Show Selected Row Indicator boolean must be enabled for this setting to apply.
Enable Row NumberingAllows the user to enable numbers on each row.
Enable GroupingAllows the user to group the Report data.
Enable SortingAllows the user to sort the Report data.
Enable Grid Stretch ModeThis option allows individual columns to be stretched; however, by default, the available width of the Report is equally distributed between all columns.
Show Selected Row IndicatorAllows the user to highlight selected rows in the Folders when performing actions.
Conditional Formatting
Allows the user to set a color to a row or column based on a specific value. Only applicable to String or Boolean data types

Group Options

Group Text ReportsIf enabled, Text Views for Reports will be grouped together.
Show Aggregations in Text ReportsShows aggregation totals on Text Views of a Report. 
Levels FormatSets the font size and indentation levels in a Report. 

Matrix View

Show Intersection DataThis allows customized data to be shown in the intersecting column.
Limit Rows and ColumnsEnables the user to set numerical limits for the Report rows and columns
Maximum RowsSets the maximum rows for the Matrix data view. By default, this value is set to 100.
Maximum ColumnsSets the maximum columns for the Matrix data view. By default, this value is set to 100.

Report Access

Generate Step to Run ReportAllows the user to create an independent step for a specific Report. 
Generated Type NameAllows the user to configure a custom name for an independent step

Required Fields

Required FieldsThis allows the user to specify the columns displayed in the Report. A warning message will display if the selected column is not present under the Data Fields section. 


Sub TotalsBased on the field selected, this setting displays a count, sum, average, minimum, maximum, or median number. This is shown in group headers. 
Use PagingDisplays the count of data rows displayed on a Report Page. By default, this is set to 500, meaning 500 rows will be displayed on each Page.

In-Memory Data PaginationThis setting allows all data to load at once to help calculate an accurate number of Report pages, useful, especially when filtering Report data.

Filter ModeAllows the default filter to be the filter defined in the Report, a filter on the data set, or no filter.

Rows Per PageSets the number of rows displayed per Report Page.

Paging ModeNumeric: shows the total Page count.

Previous Next: shows the current Page number and the next button. It is useful when the total Page count may be unknown. This setting is not applicable if the Report has a grouping or subtotal on any column or if the Report has a Chart, Matrix, Calendar, or Hierarchical view.

Service Settings

Integration TypeNone: default Report setting that will not initiate a service integration

User Interface: allows users to configure how UI elements will be configured via URL

API Service: allows users to allow to configure Get or Post calls 

For further information on Reports, visit the Decisions Forum.

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