Maintenance Mode
  • 10 Jan 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Maintenance Mode

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Article summary


Administrators may set the server into maintenance mode when undergoing or anticipating heavy maintenance on a serverOnce enabled, the server login screen changes to notify any incoming users. 

Maintenance mode affects the server by:

  • Blocking non-admin users from logging in.
  • Blocking Worker Queue Loaders from allocating new threads (Enterprise Module).
  • Ensures any running Jobs continue running until completion and prevents new Scheduled Jobs from starting.
  • Assigning all servers as a Job Server pauses jobs like cleaning up old lock jobs, key rotation Flow steps, internal jobs marked for only Job Servers, Assignment escalation jobs, and scheduled jobs.

Administrators may access their maintenance mode settings from the Portal Settings.

Maintenance Mode in Clustered Environments

Maintenance Mode is not cluster-aware. It must be toggled on individually for each node.

Maintenance Mode Dashboard

Administrators can oversee all ongoing processes during maintenance mode throughout the entire server by checking the Maintenance Mode Dashboard

The Maintenance Mode Dashboard is located under System system icon > Administration > System Tools > Maintenance Mode. It contains the following sections:

Section NumberSection NameFunction
1Maintenance Mode StatusDisplays whether or not the server is currently in maintenance mode.
2Turn Off/On Maintenance Mode ButtonToggles when the server enters/exits maintenance mode.
3Non-Administrator Running FlowsLists all running Flows initiated by non-admin accounts.

If any Flows populate here, it does not prevent the server from entering/exiting maintenance mode, and all Administrators will be notified to check the dashboard.
4Running Thread JobsLists all message queues in the Message Queues folder and stops them. This only stops messaging processing. Connections to the message queues remain active.

Upon leaving maintenance mode, all message queues will resume.

Toggling Maintenance Mode

Administrators may enter/exit maintenance mode via one of two methods:

  • Internally, by accessing the Maintenance Mode Dashboard.
  • Externally, by changing its setting in the settings.xml file.


Enabling or disabling Maintenance Mode through the platform is temporary. Once the server is reset it will go back to its default state. Only editing the settings.xml file will permanently cause a change in Maintenance Mode status.

  1. Log in to the instance as an administrator account.
  2. Open the Studio and navigate to System system icon > Administration > System Tools > Maintenance Mode to view the Maintenance Mode Dashboard.
  3. Select the Turn on Maintenance Mode button at the top right of the dashboard. Select YES on the confirmation popup to enter maintenance mode.

    A global popup will appear at the top right of the window, notifying all users that the server will go into maintenance mode in five minutes.
  4. Once initiated, the banner text changes globally to reflect the maintenance mode change.
  5. Log out of the server to return back to the login screen. Notice the banner warning users about maintenance mode.
  6. Log back into the instance as an administrator.
  7. Return to the Maintenance Mode Dashboard. Select the Turn Off Maintenance Mode button and YES in the confirmation popup.
  8. A global popup will appear at the top right of the window, stating that the server is leaving maintenance mode. Upon refreshing the browser tab, the change occurs.


  1. Open the server's settings.xml file.
  2. Locate the <MaintenanceMode> setting and change its value to either True to turn on maintenance mode or False to turn off maintenance mode. For that reason, it is set to False by default.
  3. Refresh the browser tab to enter maintenance mode.

Feature Change

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task
Fixed a bug that caused Maintenance Mode on start-up even when it was disabled if Graceful Shutdown was enabled.9.4November 2024[DT-041526]

For further information on Administration, visit the Decisions Forum.

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