Login Page Settings
  • 03 Jan 2025
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Login Page Settings

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Article summary

The Login Page Settings allows users to log in via native credentials or an SSO Provider. It can be found by navigating to System > Settings and selecting Turn On Dual Authentication to enable users to log in natively or through an SSO Provider.

If the application is configured with a Custom Login Page, it will override the Dual Authentication Settings. As a result, only the Custom Login Page will be loaded for the login, disregarding the Dual Authentication Settings.


Setting NameDescription
Turn On Dual AuthenticationEnables login page to display native and SSO login options
Native LoginDisplays the option for the username and password for the platform

InlineDisplays the native username and password fields on the login page

Separate PageAdds a 'Native Login' button which displays the username and password fields on a different page

HiddenHides the username and password fields
SSO ProvidersDisplays a list of the SSO providers that have been configured

Skipping the Login Page

If Users want to avoid the login page entirely, they can specify the IdP ID (located in the login_page_provider table) in their URL. This is only available in v9.6+. 

The URL must include the IdP ID at the end of the URL. See the bolded area in the example. Replace xxxxxxxxxxxx with the ID.


After the SSO and ldP have been configured the Decisions Server needs to be restarted for this method to work.

SSO Provider

Hovering over an SSO Provider and clicking the pencil icon will display the Edit SSO Providers window.

To learn more about SSO and to configure an SSO Provider, see SSO Basics and Single Sign-On With SAML.

These settings define how the SSO login will be displayed. If multiple SSO Providers are configured, the order can be changed using the arrows next to the SSO Provider.

If enabling providers from OpenId and SAML, ensure the modules are also enabled.


Setting NameDescription
Show on Login PageEnables the SSO Provider to be displayed on the login page
Show as ImageReplaces the button text with an image
Button ImageIf Show as Image is set to true, this will allow the user to choose an image to use for the SSO login button.
Button TextAllows a user to display text for the SSO Provider button

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task
Users can now specify the IdP Id in their URL.
9.6January 2025[DT-042890]

For further information on Settings, visit the Decisions Forum.

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