Setting Up Date/Time Translation
  • 22 May 2024
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Setting Up Date/Time Translation

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Article summary


Timezone Translation allows users to see all DateTime values in their local time zones instead of the Decisions Server's established time zone. For example, if a user has tasks with due dates assigned to other users in other time zones, the Translation setting lets them see those dates relative to their location. 

Time Zone translation is Account-specific. Admin users must set the Timezone on individual accounts to translate the time. If Timezone is not configured on accounts, Decisions will set the Default Timezone from Portal Settings to all the user accounts.

  • TimeZone Translation will only translate the values on UI elements like Dashboards and Reports and will not translate it on Forms, Flows, or Rules.
  • Scheduled Jobs/Assigned Flows will run according to the server's DateTime value, not the translated time on the UI.


Change the Host Server to UTC Timezone:

Timezone Translation requires the Decisions Server to be placed in the UTC Timezone. If the Host Server is not set to UTC, the Decisions Service will fail to start, and the user will not be able to access the environment. Before enabling Timezone Translation, ensure the Timezone of the Host Server is set to UTC. Otherwise, do NOT proceed with enabling Timezone Translation.


The following section explains how to enable timezone translation on the server and configure it for the accounts.

Enable TimeZone Translation on the Server

  1. From the File Storage, navigate to C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server Folder and open the Settings.xml in a Text Editor.
  2. Locate the UseTimeZoneTranslation property and set it to true. Save and close the Text Editor.
  3. Restart the Service.

Configuring the Accounts

  1. From the Decisions Studio, navigate to System > Security > Accounts. Right-click the Account and select Edit.
  2. Under PERSONAL INFORMATION, scroll down to Timezone and select the desired option.
  3. Click SAVE to close out of the window.

Thus, users can now see the configured Timezone in the portal.

For further information on the Portal, visit the Decisions Forum.

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