History and Documentation
  • 15 Jul 2022
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History and Documentation

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Article summary


To aid in version control and to view Comments, Documents, External Links, Saves, and Checkpoints associated with a specific Designer Element, Designers are given a variety of History/Documentation Actions and Settings. The following document discusses and demonstrates how to use these features to catalog Designer Elements in Decisions. 

History/Documentation Actions

The History/Documentation Actions can be accessed by right-clicking the name of a Designer Element and hovering over the History/Documentation Actions menu.

Expanding the History/Documentation menu provides access to the following actions:

Action NameDescriptionScreenshot 
Add CommentAllows the user to enter a Comment that will appear in the Recent Comments section of the History/Documentation Page. 
Add DocumentAllows the user to add a Document that will be associated with the element and be available for View/Download in the Recent Comments section.
Add External Link Allows the user to associate an external URL with the element that is available from the Recent Comments section. 

History Folder

The History Folder of a Designer Element provides information based on the version and history of that specific element. This Folder can be accessed by right-clicking a Designer Element and selecting History/Documentation Actions > Open/View.  

The Folder's Page displays the following three sections:

Section NameDescription
History and DocumentationShows the element's Name, Modified On date, the Modified By email, the Behavior type, and the amount of Backups that are available for the item (Backup Count). 
Older VersionsDisplays all Backups or Saves/Checkpoints for the element. Right-clicking one of the backups exposes a new Action menu with options for utilizing the Backup. This includes the ability to Restore From Backup, management options, and more. 
Recent CommentsDisplays all added Comments, Documents (with Download/Update options), External Links, and Preview Images associated with the element. 

Designer Studio Settings: Archive

To help with version control, Decisions provides adjustable Settings that allow the Decisions Studio to automatically archive previously saved versions of a Designer Element based on the age of the version, or when a new version is saved. These settings help to control how many versions and Backup files are saved for an individual element. 

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