Updating Custom Modules
  • 30 Oct 2023
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Updating Custom Modules

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Article summary


Custom modules may require updates to provide proper maintenance and/or new functionality. 

Before updating a custom module, it is a recommended best practice to back up all files within C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\modules\[CustomModuleFolderName].

There are 2 ways to update the Custom Modules.

  • Through the Decisions Portal
  • Through the File System

Updating through the Decisions Portal

Updating a custom module is only available on version 8.8 and later.
  1. Log into Decisions Studio, and navigate to System > Administration > Features. On the Features page, locate and click on Upload and Install Module.
  2. Drag .zip file to upload or click on Choose a File to upload. Only .zip files can be uploaded.
  3. Click OK. This will update the custom module.
  4. To reflect the changes to the custom module, restart the Decisions Server.

Updating through File System

The following steps demonstrate how to update a custom module file.

  1. Copy and replace the zipped module from C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\CustomModules
  2. Restart the Decisions Server.

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