Dropbox Module
  • 13 Sep 2023
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Dropbox Module

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Article summary

Module Details

Core or Github ModuleGithub
Steps ExposedYes
Step Location Integration > Dropbox
Settings Location N/A

The Dropbox Module offers seamless integration with Decisions via its API, encompassing essential functionalities like file access, folder sharing, and resource management. This integration streamlines operations, minimizing friction and bolstering user satisfaction. The ability to control access to specific files and folders fosters collaboration among teams, projects, or communities, ensuring timely access to the right data. It helps automate resource handling, reducing manual tasks, saving time, and mitigating errors. Scalability is effortless as the module grows alongside the project. Importantly, Dropbox's robust security measures extend to applications that use the module to safeguard sensitive data.


  • Create a Dropbox application
  • In the Dropbox application settings, enable the following scopes: 
    • files.content.read
    • files.content.write
    • files.metadata.read
    • sharing.read
    • sharing.write
  • Set redirect URI to http://[baseportalurl]/decisions/HandleTokenResponse
  • Install the Dropbox Module.
  • Review Dropbox Developer Documentation for further guidance.


This example will demonstrate how to configure the Dropbox module. 

  1. Navigate to System > Integrations > OAuth > Providers. Right-click Dropbox and select Edit Provider Settings.
  2. In the Edit OAuth Provider dialog, configure the Token Request URL, Authorize URL, Callback URL, Default Consumer Key, and Default Consumer Secret Key. In Dropbox, the Default Consumer Key is the App, and the Default Consumer Secret Key is the App Secret Key. Select SAVE.
    URLExample URL
    Token Request URLhttps://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/token
    Authorize URLhttps://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize
    Callback URLhttp://[baseportalurl]/decisions/HandleTokenResponse
  3. Navigate to System > Integrations > OAuth > Tokens and click CREATE TOKEN.
  4. Enter a name for the Token, select Dropbox as the Provider, and click Request Token. A browser window will display and ask for permission access to connect.
  5. After allowing access click OK to close the Create and Store OAuth Credentials window.

Steps Available with Dropbox Module

The table below provides a list of all the steps within the Dropbox module. Each step will be linked to its dedicated Step Library article as soon as they are completed, offering in-depth information and guidance on effectively utilizing them.

Step NameDescription
Add Members to File
Grants specified email addresses access to a file stored on Dropbox.
Add Members to FolderExtends access to a specific folder on Dropbox to designated email addresses.
Create FolderGenerates a new folder within the connected Dropbox account.
Create Shared LinkGenerates a new link to a folder or file within Dropbox.
Delete ResourceRemoves the specified resource from Dropbox, such as a file or folder.
Does Resource ExistChecks for the existence of a file or folder within Dropbox.
Download FileLocates and retrieves a file from Dropbox.
Get File ListRetrieves a list of files contained within a specific Dropbox folder.
Get File MembersRetrieves a list of members who have access to the specified resource.
Get Folder ListFetches a list of members with access to a designated folder in Dropbox.
Get Folder MembersRetrieves a list of members with access to a specified resource.
Get Shared File MetadataGathers metadata information for a file stored within Dropbox.
Get Shared Folder MetadataRetrieves metadata information for a folder stored in Dropbox.
Remove Member from FileRevokes access for the specified member to a file stored on Dropbox.
Remove Member from FolderRevokes access for the specified member to a folder on Dropbox.
Revoke Shared LinkRemoves a shared link from Dropbox.
Share FolderGrants access to a specific folder within Dropbox.
Unshare FileRemoves shared permissions for a file within Dropbox.
Unshare FolderRemoves shared permissions for a folder within Dropbox.
Upload FileCreates a new file with content sourced from a locally stored file.

For further information on Modules, visit the Decisions Forum.

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