Data Designer and Design Pattern Overview
  • 30 Jun 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Data Designer and Design Pattern Overview

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Article summary

The Data Designer creates pre-configured sets of Input/Output Data via a drag and drop method that may be reused from Flow to Flow. This, in turn, allows users to define data more efficiently and consistently each time. 

In the Data Designer, both Simple and Composite Data Types may be referenced and defined by moving them from the Toolbox into the workspace to comprise a Design Pattern. Once the configuration is saved, selecting the CREATE EXAMPLE DESIGN PATTERN button and choosing an element will automatically preload the Example Design Pattern with data from the new Design Pattern.

The following document demonstrates how to utilize the Data Designer to create a Design Pattern for use in future Flows. 

Data Designer Interface

  1. Select the vertical three-dot icon next to the name of any Designer Project in the FOLDERS list. 
  2. When the Action Menu appears for the Designer Project, select Create Design Pattern.
  3. Provide a name for the Design Pattern then select CREATE
  4. Click and drag Data Types from the Toolbox tab as desired into the workspace. Then, provide a desired Input Name in the Set Input Name box (for this example, use a String with the name "Name", and an Int32 called "Age".  
  5. User-defined composite data types can be added to the Design Pattern using the same method. The Vehicle structure was moved into the workspace from User Defined Types > Folder Extensions in the Toolbox.

    If desired, provide a configuration for the Output Data view the OUTPUT DATA tab. 
  6. Save and close the Design Pattern Designer
  7. Back in the Designer Project, select [NAME OF DESIGN PATTERN], then select the desired Designer Element; in this case, select Flow. Then CREATE a new Flow. 
  8. Design the Flow as desired via the Flow Designer and access the Data from the Data Explorer tab and if desired, use it to configure values on Flow steps; this concept would still apply if the Design Pattern were used for a Form, Rule, Truth Table, etc.

    Then Save and close the Flow Designer

Create Other

Selecting CREATE OTHER allows the ability to CREATE an object that isn't based upon the current Design Pattern. This may be another Design Pattern, a Flow, a Rule, a Form, a Report, or a DataType/Integration.

Upon selecting any option that isn't a Design Pattern, users are provided the option to either select to Create New to create the object without a Design Pattern, or Use Default Design Pattern which uses the Folder's Default Design Pattern.

Hide Create Other Actions

  1. From the Designer Project and navigate to Manage > Set Look and Feel
  2. Toggle the HideCreate Other Actions option, then click SAVE. 
  3. Verfiy that the CREATE OTHER option has been removed from the Global Action Bar

Removing Design Patterns 

To remove a Design Pattern or edit Input/Output data from a Flow that was created with a Design Pattern:

  1. Open a Flow/Form/Rule etc. that utilizes a Design Pattern
  2. From the corresponding Designer, under the Top Action Bar, click the VIEW button.  
  3. From the Flow Input Data window, on the right-hand side, click Define
    Changing Design Patterns
    If desired, users may switch Design Patterns by selecting the CHOOSE DIFFERENT PATTERN button and then selecting the desired Design Pattern. 

  4. From the Edit Input Data pop up, confirm the removal by select REMOVE DESIGN PATTERN. 

  5. From the Input Data window, reconfigure the Data to the desired specifications, or click Pick Design Pattern and select a different Design Pattern

For further information on Data Structures, visit the Decisions Forum.

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